Trying to figure out how this works

Things I like:
- Freedom
- Privacy
- Learn new stuff
- Chocolate, loads of chocolate

Things I don’t like:
- fascists
- billionaires
- monarchies
- guns


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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jun 23, 2022


@wholemilk @Harold exactly! The tips should be the exception not the norm. I tip when the service, the quality or the experience was so good to me that I want reward the ppl o made it possible as complimentarily. An incentive to them keep doing an exceptional job. No job should be dependent of charity. That is subverting how a business should be run. Can’t accept it as a rule.

@Dankenstein @RotaryKeyboard as an European, US tips things is just ridiculous. Seriouly can’t understand that shit. Why don’t you pay your ppl for the work they do?