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Joined 1M ago
Cake day: Aug 16, 2024


oh, sorry, there was much talk about public health insurance, i Of course don’t have a clue how that works in canada. sorry, my fault. I only focused on public health care, here in germany thats an insurance, i was ignorant.

You should pay for their healthcare, because you have a contract with an insurance company.

no one bothers that it is THE PEOPLE that pay for their health insurance, not the state.

the state made insurance mandatory, thats the only thing it is guilty of.

it does not cost the state A DIME, because it is insurance that covers healthcare, not taxes.

The loss is unrealized potential of those who are sick. so, that means the state invested like 150.000 bucks in one citizen, in hopes to get like one million bucks out of them

(not out of them specifically, but out of their labour; it is a chain, you see, and the labourer pays taxes, the factory pays taxes when selling the product, the consumer pays taxes when buying the product, and so on)

alcohol and obesity by diabetis harm EVERY cell in your body, period. thats hard biochemstry, facts, it is the truth.

red meat, on the other hand, is quite unclear.

the studies involving red meat are interesting;

people self report by remembering long periods of time, a salami pizza counts as red meat, as does a whole mc donalds burger with fries on the side.

as for nitrate, this gets complicating. you seem to be on the right path. nitrates are a new topic for me, i never before read up on them:





this is so tedious, no wonder everybody has a different oppinion

the pain of a cramping liver is excrutiating. if you deal with that kind of unrelenting never stopping pain und don’t stop drinking, you are addicted for sure.