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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 01, 2023


You got to expand a bit on your question, I don’t know what you want to hear.

Regarding hierarchy in the animal kingdom, it’s this: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dominance_hierarchy

I have read the book yes, and the lobster stuff is in chapter 1 indeed.

I don’t think that chapter was particularly enlightening, as far as I remember it was mainly about how evolutionary selection results in hierarchies in al species (hence the lobsters), and standing up straight gets you higher in the hierarchy because of something something confidence.

The evolution stuff is not wrong, and the stand up straight is… Eh… weird psychology stuff? However it didn’t mention women or gays as you said.

Before that self driving cars, before that “Big data”, before that 3D printing, before that internet TV, before that “cloud computing”, before that web 2.0, before that WAP maybe, internet in general?

Some of those things did turn out to be game changers, others not at all or not so much. It’s hard to predict the future.