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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 08, 2023


Conservatives have a deep need to feel superior to others.

The cruelty is the point.

If poor people have happy and fulfilling lives, then they can’t feel better than them.

And when you subscribe to 1 or 2 rotating streaming services and only torrent for personal archiving purposes, you aren’t even depriving the streaming services of any revenue.

That won’t really solve the problem.

The ProPublica leaks showed that Musk, Bezos and Buffet only had incomes around the $100K.

While at the same time, their net worth grew by hundreds of billions.

Ding ding ding.

This is why the rich try to muddy the waters.

They try and make it appear as if the homes and retirement funds of the middle class are somehow equivalent to the hundreds of billions owned by the rich.

Fun fact: if we would tax the rich and lower taxes on the middle class, we would get something closer to socialism. Under pure socialism, where everyone owns an equal share of the total wealth, the average household would actually be worth $1.6M.

Any household with less wealth than that is actually doing worse under the current system compared to full equality.

Also, they curate the collection so that it doesn’t get filled with low quality garbage.

Part of preserving and sharing knowledge is doing quality control.

It’s a joke.

UTF-16 already exists, which doesn’t favor Roman characters as much, but UTF-8 is more popular because it is backword compatible with the legacy ASCII.

UTF-32 also exists which has exactly equal length representation for every character.

But the thing that equalizes languages is compression.

Yes, a text written in Cyrillic with UTF-8 will take more space than a Roman language, easily double. However this extra space is much more easily compressed by an algorithm like GZIP.

So after compression, the two compressed texts will then be similarly sized and much smaller than UTF-16 or UTF-32.

You are right, but it’s not just poor developed countries and not just windows either.

Back in the 1990s, copy protection in general was weak and companies wishing to expand market share did not prioritize combating piracy.

They always just focused on making the big companies pay through licensing audits and kept prices high to ensure revenue.

The whole industry just accepted that students, researchers and tinkerers would pirate their software.

Photoshop, Office, Visual Studio and even enterprise software like Oracle had this dual strategy: let piracy help spread market share among those who can’t or won’t pay, while maintaining high prices and security audits to drive revenue from companies.

Many companies still follow this strategy.


Torrenting over I2P is the future. No need for VPN and no dependency on donated bandwidth like with Tor.

The technology needs a bit of refinement and it seems they are struggling to attract and maintain good developers.

In my opinion, the fundamental protocols of I2P need a revamp to make torrenting faster and more efficient.

It will take a few years before we solve these problems.

I that case, why not help spread a little freedom in the rest of the world by hosting an I2P node?

We should make torrenting over I2P the default.

Any dissidents in places like China who are caught using it could then plausibly claim they were just downloading a movie.

I love those recommendations. An earlier post here made it seem like they only wanted to build more, which (by itself) is insufficient to keep housing affordable.

But that infographic shows a balanced set of recommendations that - taken together - will definitely help!

That’s exactly my point.

It’s not about a lack of houses in general, but a lack of housing in specific places and a lack of affordability in housing.

And yeah, facts have a way of being kind of obvious when you look at the figures.

No… one house too few can also mean two people somewhere have to become roommates, or a couple that wants to separate holds on a little longer, or someone lives with their parents, or etc etc.

So Canada has 38 million people and 16 million houses, about 2.4 people per house. Average household size in Canada is 2.5, so there is some slack to allow for second homes and vacancy.

Perhaps more houses are needed in the areas where people want to live, but it doesn’t seem like that big of a shortage.

I agree. It’s quite possible to say the most vile things using unemotional words that do not rile up people.

Jonathan Swift’s “A modest proposal” perfected that art way back in 1729.

But using emotive words to segregate society into tribes through signalling to induce xenophobia… that is not about speech at all.

And one could argue that politicians and journalists should have a lot of leeway, since their job involves shaping the public opinion.

But credentialed professionals should be held to a higher standard to ensure people can trust scientists, medical practitioners, engineers and lawyers.

In other words, if Jordan Peterson wants to give back his academic credentials and transition to becoming just another talking head, he is free to do so.

But if he wants to keep those credentials, he has to carry the burden of that responsibility.

This, I would just buy Monero (XMR) on an exchange with KYC. Once you start using it, it’s impossible to link it back to you.

If you are really paranoid, use a throwaway temporary wallet. Transfer from the exchange to that wallet and then from that wallet to your main wallet and throw away the wallet you used to interact with the exchange. You can then honestly claim you lost the keys to that wallet.

This is the best answer. The software just has to mature a little bit more. But it’s a matter of time.

Once we reach the phase where most mainstream bittorrent clients support I2P by default, it will become the new standard.

Most people don’t use bleeding edge features.

You have very little privacy in the fediverse. I think this will need to improve to be honest.

Perhaps a combination of Fediverse + Tor/I2P will be the future and people would rotate their accounts every few weeks or months.

A good app could even support all of this on the background, including letting you reply to messages with your old account while making new posts and comments in your new account.

Once all major bittorrent clients support it with integrated I2P routers, the hassle is literally just checking a box, which will be on by default in many clients.

Remember when trackers were being taken down and we all switched to DHT/magnet? Same will happen if they go after VPN’s, we will switch to I2P. And it seems they are going after VPN’s.

I2P torrenting with a seedbox is the undeniable future. It will probably just take a year or so to reach critical mass. It’s slow now because a lack of mass.

The main relevant difference between I2P and Tor is that Tor runs on donated bandwidth and therefore can’t scale: the more it is used, the more volunteers are needed to donate bandwidth. Which is why they aren’t happy with people torrenting.

I2P is P2P so the more people use it, the faster it becomes. Which is why they really want people to use it for torrenting.