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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Aug 03, 2023


Shadowsocks quite easy to detect and to ban there are exist solution out there ,such as protocols VLESS and VMESS developing by chiness dudes for bypassing chiness great firewall.

More https://github.com/XTLS/Xray-core

U can use proccess hacker to lauch for example total commander with SYSTEM privileges it’s highest possible privilege in windows.

TorrServer is a program that allows users to view torrents online without the need for preliminary file downloading. The core functionality of TorrServer includes caching torrents and subsequent data transfer via the HTTP protocol.


Android client


It’s able work completly in ram without need downloading whole files on disk.

It’s create own folder with wine prefix.If simply talking when u click on exe file,pop up a new window with asking u which version of installed proton/wine to use and on what to run it vulkan/opengl/gallium-nine .it’s automatically download the updates of dxvk and new version of proton-lg and proton-ge.And have very cool feature about adding shortcuts to main menu and ur desktop folder like it would be usual native program.It’s also have wide customization about launch options and integrated vkBasalt as example