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Joined 6M ago
Cake day: Mar 07, 2024


So, all those videos where the cops are screaming “Stop resisting!” to some person who is laid out on the ground, not moving and not resisting, piled onto with eight cops holding them down - I’m sure the AI chatbot notices and notes down all that nuance, right?

Relying exclusively on body camera audio—not video

Oops, guess not … :(

Honestly, if I’d been tied to that dipshit my entire life, I wouldn’t go out of my way to be spending more time or effort on him.

You know that puritanical piece inside a lot of religious and right-leaning people? The one that winces away from knowing anything about women’s health because it’s “yucky”? They’re hoping to contaminate Walz with the yuck and hoping it stems some of their people from defecting.

Last month Musk said that he has had “enough of dodging gangs of violent drug addicts just to get in and out of the building.”

Are the roving gangs of violent drug addicts in the room with us now? Or do they go to a different school?

Imagine hating your own daughter that much. We need more people like Tennant, less people like Musk and Rowling.


I’m assuming both of you can connect to peers on other torrents, just not each other. Again, do you guys have DHT/PEX enabled? Did you accidentally create a private torrent?

Sounds like connectivity issues. Can you guys manually add the other’s IP address? Do you have DHT/PEX enabled?