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Joined 9M ago
Cake day: Dec 09, 2023


I appreciate this sentiment a great deal in general, but sometimes it is difficult to uphold when I have to regularly deal with “time vampires” who not only require that I explain the same thing to them over and over again beyond reason but who also show no willingness or ability to actually learn the thing that I am explaining to them; at some point I just run out of patience and start ignoring them to the extent that I am able.

In fairness, sometimes it is useful to get hands on experience with a system before you dig into its fundamentals so that you have a reference point that helps you absorb the information.

Q: Why the name “Fleece”?

A: It’s a reference to the mythical Golden Fleece, the treasure sought by Jason [emphasis mine] and the Argonauts.

I see what you did there…