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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 29, 2023


Uh yeah… Some did say things to that effect.

And there are other behaviours that can demonstrate that mindset.

But thank you for mansplaining my lived experience, champ. Couldn’t have navigated that one with my pea sized, woman’s brain.

I go through life making snap judgements of people I hire and don’t at all try to find common ground or empathise with their position, because I love pissing money up the wall and endless recruitment processes. Just floats my boat, you know

Used to work in digital design. By pure happenstance the foundational initial team on a major project was all women and we recognised that wasn’t a good balance in terms of external perception but also in terms of getting different perspectives on design approaches.

We managed to recruit some great blokes, but they were hard to find. So many of the new dudes didn’t work out because it was so obvious how inferior they perceived us women to be. Very few of them had the skills to warrant any level of arrogance, let alone full blown superiority complex.

It was disappointing.

In the, admittedly terrible, movie Moonfall (2022) they use his tech and one of the main characters keeps saying things like “God I love Elon”. I guess it was under development in years previous but we long knew that he was a babyish edgelord (see behaviour over the rescue of the Thai soccer team in 2018).

Seems shortsighted to make him such a focus.

‘so weird, my permissions were fine before and now they’re gone? Can you give me access again? Ah fuck, all my work didn’t save either… Gonna need another week.’

The fuckwit who clearly abandoned them aside, this is just so so sad. I hope they just felt sleepy before they went.

Mm dunno if you ever read the qanon casualties posts on Reddit. There’s no discussing or reasoning with the people who have fallen prey to believing this shit. And if often leads to financial ruin. Blocking access to those sites is, for many, like taking the car keys away from an elderly parent who will only hurt themselves and others if you don’t intervene.

Half the emails in my junk inbox are ‘class action settlement’ emails, so it’s definitely an angle they’re trying (presumably with some success)

Thanks for the suggestion but this seems a cumbersome alternative. My work is in the digital space and note taking needs to be there in a fairly rapid and shareable way. I’m seeking an improvement to my onenote use (handy but not handwritten), and my scores of paper notes (handwritten but handy to no one else), plus the ability to handwrite creative pieces and not have to type them up online. Thanks again though!

Great info, thanks! I’m sure I’ll need to pay the ‘I’m that island country down south that all tech companies like to fuck over’ tax…

Great info, thanks! I’m sure I’ll need to pay the ‘I’m that island country down south that all tech companies like to fuck over’ tax…

Ah gotcha. There was a guy next to me on the plane yesterday and he was writing in bright yellow text on a black background, I guess it gave the impression of being backlit. No idea what the tablet was and he seemed busy so I didn’t want to disturb him to ask.

Recommendations re writing tablets e.g. reMarkable
I want to get back into creative writing, and for work I prefer to take handwritten notes (I have my own weird shorthand and it helps with retention). I'd also like the ability to write at night and not disturb my partner. I don't want to go near iOS and the tablet would be primarily used for writing purposes. Any recommendations or 'what to avoid's? Sorry if wrong community, I couldn't find another relevant