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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Oct 10, 2023


It is day and night. Svelte is nearly vanilla JS/TS. No quirks and surprising side-effects like in React. No shadow DOM. With the new rune system in the next version it will even be better. For me it had the best DX of all frameworks I tried.

I suppose OP is frustrated because the business world hasn’t catched up and most of them still only search for React devs, which is in my opinion very stupid, because React can be so frustrating for devs. The reddit sub for svelte has ever so often posts by them praising the sanity of Svelte.

But it would be a valid point by OP if that is their reason when their income depends on it. We can only hope Svelte catches up in that regard.

The 3-way merge editor in VSCode is a fantastic tool. Really helps in visualizing what comes from where and preventing merge accidents.