• 4 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Aug 22, 2023


Scrum that’s not adapted to your needs isn’t scrum.

It’s amazing to watch the old, rusted machine of antitrust slowly grinding back to life, bit by bit.

Can you just drop to assembly for what you want to do? Gnu compilers even have inline assembly, but with any compiler you should at least be able to built a separate, assembly, object file.

Highlights: > Krishnan told Ars that "Meta is trying to have it both ways, but its assertion that Unfollow Everything 2.0 would violate its terms effectively concedes that Zuckerman faces what the company says he does not—a real threat of legal action." > For users wanting to take a break from endless scrolling, it could potentially meaningfully impact mental health—eliminating temptation to scroll content they did not choose to see, while allowing them to remain connected to their networks and still able to visit individual pages to access content they want to see. > According to Meta, its terms of use prohibit automated access to users' personal information not just by third parties but by individual users, as a means of protecting user privacy. Meta urged the court to reject Zuckerman's claim that Meta's terms violate California privacy laws by making it hard for users to control their data. Instead, Meta said the court should agree with a prior court that "rejected the argument that California law 'espous\[es] a principle of user control of data sufficient to invalidate' Facebook’s prohibition on automated access." Much more in article

Australia has ABC Vote Compass, but it has some oddities based on issues with our political/media landscape:

  • it only places you relative to the three top parties
  • all the questions are specific election wedge issues (mostly between the top two parties) rather than broader ideological questions, and so it only updates in the run up to each federal (read: national, Australia wide) election
  • it takes politicians statements at face value, and doesn’t factor in actual behaviour in power which is often at odds (if you’re curious, look up the history of high speed rail or nuclear power in Australia. Both have been used for electioneering again and again, neither exist despite the advocating party winning)

If anyone is considering how to avoid this on their own site: https://indieweb.org/URL_design

Avoiding spyware doesn’t mean you’re opposed to labor-saving technology

Neither does being a Luddite

They confined their attacks to manufacturers who used machines in what they called “a fraudulent and deceitful manner” to get around standard labor practices. “They just wanted machines that made high-quality goods,” says Binfield, “and they wanted these machines to be run by workers who had gone through an apprenticeship and got paid decent wages. Those were their only concerns.”

It’s not clear from your post whether you’ve read the article. In case you haven’t, it’s not really about printers.

It’s markdown, you should be able to indent your lines by 4 spaces or fence with triple backtics to get code blocks. Your client’s editor may have a button to help

$file = Get-Content -Path .\individuals2.txt

foreach ($line in $file)
    Copy-Item -Path .\template.docx -Destination ".\$(2 + $line + '.docs')"


$file = Get-Content -Path .\individuals2.txt

foreach ($line in $file)
    Copy-Item -Path .\template.docx -Destination ".\$(2 + $line + '.docs')"

Header files aren’t part of the C++ language at all.

Also mandatory “C++/C is not a language”

Member functions that are defined within a class definition are implicitly inline

Who could have ever guessed that naming different software the same thing would ever come back to bite them

Will we ever stop referring to the Web as “the Internet”?

“You may not reverse engineer, decompile or disassemble any portion of the output generated using SDK elements for the purpose of translating such output artifacts to target a non-NVIDIA platform.,”

This is literally a protected right in multiple countries, so um…


I’ve seen far too manny error messages claiming I did something I most certainly didn’t do. This seems like a good way to make those far more prolific.

This is an interesting sounding project, do you have a feed/blog/mastodon/mailing list you’re likely to announce on?

Missed the most important paragraph

Many of NATO’s 31 allies are parties to the Treaty of Conventional Armed Forces in Europe, which was aimed at preventing Cold War rivals from massing forces at or near their mutual borders. The CFE was signed in November 1990 as the Soviet bloc was crumbling but was not fully ratified until two years later.

The SDA is infamous for fighting against the interests of workers under its umbrella.

Yeah absolutely. I only use the graphical version (gvim) on Windows.

Vim is cross platform, just in case you don’t know