pls remind me not to be so mean

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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 06, 2023


Title should be “Steam-less games?”. The word capitalization and the spacing between “Steam” and “Less” makes no sense at all. Also, including double question-marks is over-the-top, as though your request were urgent. Its games what you’re asking for, not some medicine. Get a grasp on grammar.

OP was trying to get the information for a hard disk in their computer, but after running a command it looks like the serial number for that disk is 💙B

If it’s spoofing them, its going to be more effort than it’s worth to actually detect that client. I strongly recommend you to delete this post or you’re gonna cause a massive Streissand Effect

Please login to Steamworks to add your USD pricing for your game(s) in the new LATAM-USD and MENA-USD pricing section of the Price Management Tool before November 20th, 2023. If you do not add a USD price to these columns for your game before November 20th, we will default to the standard USD pricing you already have in Steamworks.

Los precios de steam se están por ir a la recontra mierda.

I wouldn’t worry about that. Google has had this feature for a VERY VERY long time.

I’ve personally been doing this for many years, seeding all sorts of nasty stuff and no one that I know has ever gotten so much as an email.

Feel free to use no privacy measures, but at least setup an alert so you know if your country’s police decides to start persecuting pirates.

I recommend u setup a Google alert with a query like “YOUR-COUNTRY-HERE arrestan pirateria”. So if a news article that matches that query ever gets posted online, you’ll instantly get an email

Mobilism is not some random sketchy site. It’s been a very popular forum for many years now. It has strict moderation and reputation-based profiles.

The “normie” alternative in this case is uTorrent. Only Linux users know about transmission lol

It depends on the app, really. If the app verifies the purchase server side, there’s nothing you can do to bypass that. But if the app you wanna crack is just a game that doesn’t need internet, it works 9/10 times. With root, it works pretty much 10/10.

Honestly the best guide is within lucky patcher itself. Open luckypatcher and then tap on the question mark icon in the top-right corner. There you’ll see an explanation of all of the features within luckypatcher. There’s also a guide for creating your own custom patches.

Happy cracking!

Nginx is a massive project with thousands of stars on github

Does the “Widevine-l3-decryptor” extension not work anymore? I know that was a big deal when it came out