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Cake day: Sep 22, 2023


The universal design ideal, is that, an ideal. Hopefully we strike an appropriate balance between different people’s needs. I think recognizing that some things are more challenging for some people than others is good. There should be reasonable responsibility to anticipate other’s needs and advocacy for one’s own needs.

I’ll give you my own example as a person with a disability. Have I been late to meetings/appointment “because of my disability”? Sure. I do plan to have enough time to make it work but that doesn’t always happens because of unforeseen issues that come up for me that would not for most others. Do I consider that the fault of the others involved? Of course not, let be practical.

On the other hand when possible, which has been 100% of the time since March 2020, I essentially demand virtual meetings now because my computer is the most accessible environment for me in the world and put me on far more even ground as others.

“For the security” is starting to sound a lot like “for the children”. I hope this works out better than secure boot. When these new ideas emerge that have, let’s call them, “side effects” like disabling ad-blockers or preventing Linux from being installed I am suspicious.

Use DNS filtering. I use NextDNS which has a free tier that meets my needs. You can add popular filter lists and your browser will never even see those ads, trackers etc. Or you can use Vivaldi and Firefox of course. But DNS cuts it off before it even gets to your machine.

To be honest I was worried the US would be just too sexist and too racist for it to work but I am pleasantly surprised. Back when Hillary was running, we saw a lot of ugly stuff and I am sure they will try that again but somehow I don’t think its is going to work as well at this point in time and with this candidate.

The felon has been throwing out vile crap continuously for years now and I think its impact has worn thin and he is weaker than he was. I feel confidant Harris will be much better equipped to fight back than Clinton was.

I like Proton and I guess this kind of makes sense for them, sort of, but its weird.

Thank you for the insight. I was thinking about the “who answers a phone call” angle but I didn’t feel like I could guess well enough to include it.

Better to link to the source: https://apnorc.org/projects/most-say-biden-should-withdraw-from-the-presidential-race/

“The nationwide poll was conducted July 11-15, 2024 using the AmeriSpeak® Panel, the probability-based panel of NORC at the University of Chicago. Online and telephone interviews using landlines and cell phones were conducted with 1,253 adults. The margin of sampling error is +/- 3.8 percentage points.”

So I am not saying people do not have doubts, because obviously they do. If they only watch mainstream media and only watched the debate, then it wont be a surprise. But I am not sure this is a very valid poll given the tiny number and that it using landlines at least in part. Who here has a landline?

Look at all those maga people nodding their heads to those “dangerous sodalist” ideas. Its almost like as people we have the same basic needs and beliefs. “Workers own this nation” “Cheers Yeah!” Politicians looking slightly nervous… “this is um, good?”

According to Dianeosis, an Athens-based think tank, about 70 percent of Greeks had a favourable view of Russia before the full-blown war in Ukraine. That fell to 50 percent after the 2022 invasion and to 30 percent last year.

North Korea version 2, unpopular you say?

That’s fine, it was a forgone conclusion she would dismiss or delay it forever. We finally get the appeal.

That is certainly a problem but many (most?) women you ask, are paying attention to what threatens their lives and puts them into a second class status. And its not just the supposed radical leftist either. There have been and will be plenty of “good” god fearing families who get into trouble with their pregnancies and experience some true horror. Then when you get into IVF and contraception… banning porn etc.

That is pretty interesting and thanks for posting it. I hear the words and its intriguing but to be honest, I don’t really understand it. I’d have to give it some thought and read more about it. Do you have a place you suggest going to learn more?

I use chatgpt-4o currently for learning python and helping with grammar. I find it does great with grammar but even with relatively simple python questions it can produce some “creative” answers. Like its in the ball park but its not perfect and for a learner, that’s learning the hard way. To be fair I don’t use the assistant/code interpreter, which I have no idea about but based on its name I assume it might be better. So that’s what I based my somewhat skeptical opinion of ai on.

Or his 2 impeachments. Or inciting an insurrection. He’s got a few areas to fall back on. Who knows maybe he’ll make some more memories.

Journalists seem to think this is a game. People have already seen the consequences and how they directly effect their own lives. Women (and families in general) wont forget Roe and it will have impact on an ongoing basis. Most sane people wont forget Jan 6th. People who are paying attention are not going to forget the violent rhetoric and stochastic terrorism, promises of retribution and being a dictator on day 1 etc.

From my understanding, AI is a essentially a statistical method so naturally it will use a confidence level. Its hard for me to take the leap of faith to confidence level will correlate to accuracy. Seems to me it would be more dependent on its data set. If its data contains a commonly held belief, that is incorrect, would it not have a high confidence level on an answer with that incorrect info? If we use a highly authoritative data set, that will be very limited and we’d be back to more of a keyword system than a LLM. I am sure with time, we’ll be in more of a middle ground where accuracy will be better but what will that be? 5% 3% 10%?

I’ll freely admit I am not an expert in this at all.

I don’t even know how to check who has upvoted on beehaw. You sound a bit paranoid, maybe people just agree?

The speech was exceptional and every politician uses a teleprompter. So there is nothing to ignore. His SOTU was exceptional and one of the best I have heard in my life. His speech prior to his responses to reporters at NATO was ok. His mistakes were unfortunate but the content was very good and critically important to what we need. His responses unscripted to reporters on policy were excellent.

"He fails… EVERY time. " except when he doesn’t.

He is the dem candidate. Like every person he has his faults and I don’t agree with him on everything. I’d like to see a progressive instead but that is not realistic right now, so he has my support. Otherwise you are supporting the felon, Putin, Orban and insanity.

So you are ignoring the part about his NATO policy comments. I guess so you can stick with what you’ve already decided. Got it.

That is so funny.

chatgpt: “Artificial Intelligence (AI) represents a transformative investment opportunity, characterized by robust growth potential and broad applicability across industries. The AI market, projected to exceed $190 billion by 2025, offers substantial upside in sectors such as healthcare, finance, automotive, and e-commerce. As businesses increasingly adopt AI to enhance efficiency and innovation, associated firms are poised for significant returns. Key investment areas include machine learning, natural language processing, robotics, and AI-driven analytics. Despite risks like regulatory challenges and ethical concerns, the strategic deployment of capital in AI technologies holds promise for long-term value creation. Diversification within this space is advisable to mitigate volatility.”

It wont know it doesn’t know. At the current state of AI, it doesn’t seem to have almost any sense of what is right and wrong or a way to validate that - even when you tell it, it is wrong. Maybe there are systems that can but I am not aware of them.

That seems entirely plausible for the staffing change. But Intuit is more than their tax software for example Quickbooks isn’t going anywhere. I am sure they do other stuff, probably payment processing and I don’t know what else. So they will survive at some level, it would be hard to kill Quickbooks.

So you think he did a good job? We agree.

But I thought the narrative was that he was a senile old man who can put two words together? When you watched his responses to reporters at his NATO press conference, he wasn’t going from a teleprompter and spoke well on policy issues. But yeah, he makes mistakes when speaking, so his ability to talk policy doesn’t matter I guess.

I’m dyslexic and visually impaired, I make mistakes despite using a grammar checker. My teachers used to tell me I was careless and lazy. Your comment made me laugh though, thanks.

Your insult is a math teacher wanting students to understand math?

That’s what I am saying. The buyers wildly misunderstand it. The seller presents it with a very effective and misleading pitch.

Look at the Intuit CEO who just fired 10% of their labor to pivot to AI to um, “give financial advise.” And then goes on to say any other company who doesn’t do the same will fall behind and fail. Time will tell but I am going to go with, people will laugh when Intuit is on fire.

I agree with this. Its wildly misunderstood and it’s the name. AI is absolutely the most amazing marketing name for it but its only a thin veneer of our sci fi dreams. Over time that veneer might get a bit thicker but it wont be what people think it will be. It is good at certain things, like you know, being a large language model, but it is a (very) limited subset of what human intelligence is.

I would 100% support all 3 with no issue what so ever - they are all superb options. If I could just pick between Biden and those 3, I think I’d take Harris or Whitmer not to slight Buttigieg but I’d rather see a women in the role. I’m not sure who would be best, so let’s make the US proud and elect a woman. I’d vote for Newsom but he’d be my 5th choice on this list I’m not his biggest fan but he’s ok. That’s a great list btw I don’t know who else I’d consider.

But how could we realistically get to them? Biden says he is running and how’s that going to change? That’s the issue. Biden is the candidate so he has my support and I do believe in him. If he steps aside, I’ll take what I can get that isn’t the felon.

Its ok for political parties to choose their candidates. The problem is the two party system. No one is confused that the US is not a direct democracy.

I was thinking we were in a thread that started with:

I just spent the weekend with moderate relatives that are ready to stay home instead of voting in November because they don’t like either choice, and the debate solidified that position.

I didn’t say “moderates not voting” I said “low-information voters.”

I don’t want to argue, I mean I admit I did but that’s not really want I was intending. I think you have a valid point of view but I do not see it the way you do.

You don’t know me so do not tell me what I think or would say.

What your viable alternative and how will it be achieved?

I have seen it. More than once.

Biden is one man and it is the Biden administration. We can’t predict the future and if there was a younger stellar dem candidate who could viable take on, ok then. But this is what we have. I’d take a President Harris no problem if it came to it. If Biden can stay the front man and have the right people behind him, which he will, it will be fine.

People had no problem with a straight up psyco like Reagan in dementia as president.

And really let’s say you are right about Biden. Then we get to chose between two people in the same boat. One’s a dangerous narcissist and one is a good man.

So your comment about moderates not voting because… they do not like either and fascism and Project 2025 are not compelling augments? Reminds me of a friend who told me that he was not voting because it doesn’t matter to him. And them Trump tariffs hurt his business.

Ok your list

#1 You do not think he is winning #2 You do not believe he is capable of responding to Project 2025 because of his debate performance. #3 You’ve got an ageist argument and then connect that to his policy position on escalation management. #4 After a great speech you come away with not feeling good about superficial characteristics #5 You do not think he is winning

“We need something to spark the apathetic potential voters to act to save Democracy because the risk is too great and right now the low-info folks aren’t hearing anything new.”

I am here arguing for the most viable option. Let’s all do our best to help.

I do not agree with everything he has done but his actions have proven to me that he has been an excellent president and is a good person. I also believe he is the only viable candidate we have. Is he old and does he seem old, yes. Will he be able to lead a good and effective administration, he has and he will.

Do you think the Biden administration has been a good one and do you think a future Biden administration will be a good one?

I would like a jelly bean tree, in the mean time I’ll stick with what I can get.

Ok, I’ll bite. Name his inadequacies. I will not accept his debate performance as an answer. Because, while it was horrible, he has had plenty of excellent speeches before and after. For example one of the best SOTUs I have heard in my lifetime (I’m old) and his NATO address.

For reference. Listen to the content.

NATO https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NQTY7nDi10I

SOTU https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=al7ont2noYA

And to contrast and if you don’t mind losing brain cells. Trump Miami. Showed up an hour late. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1cg-oo27ny4

It is always the right time to do the right thing. Let’s have more of that.

Article summary, Dems are worried they may lose the election. As a solution the subtly hint at maybe their only viable candidate should consider that.

It isn’t even a story at this point, why keep it alive? Clicks? Do better media.
