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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 23, 2023


Thank you. I play D&D and our DM was super hyped about some holiday one shot scenaios they got from ChatGPT. They were on and on about how they would never have to think about plot planning ever again. We dint end up playing them but I read the 3 different scenaios and I just wasnt impressed and I didn’t understand why. It was completely predictible in a weird way. After reading your post and thinking back on it the scenarios felt more plagerized predictable rather than trope predictible. Tropes while predicitble can be funny and charming. While a knock off reproduction is only enjoyable for its ability to miss the mark.

Anyway, thank you for helping me figure out how to put into words why I was not on the “this is amazing” train. I thought I just didn’t get it.

I can imagine the disingenuous narrative. I was trying to see or understand if there was a realistic or genuine one.

Honestly, if the root is discovered to be a lab leak the likihood it was due to a conspiracy to create and release a bio weapon is almost zilch. More likely people not following safty procedures through laziness and hubris while they conducted typical viral research.

Also I could be wrong but a $600K contribution to a research lab doesn’t sound like it would go very far.

So this was released to help show transparency? Other than knowing to prevent future outbreaks I’m trying to understand why people may care. I assume it would be to push some narrative but I’m not real clear on what that might be other than something that sounds like it came from a movie script.