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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 03, 2023


American companies pay more because they have huge investors. They have huge investors because they know the company won’t have accountability to do things right because they are in America.

You also probably won’t get that 200k job either because of it. You only get those super high paying jobs if you know someone and you get that by going to an elite college

You are correct, we do on average make more here. I just don’t think you realize the extent of financial parasites in talking about. I’m not just talking about government taxes. I’m talking about constant, consistent payments you have to do for being poor here for everything. There’s no accountability for proper business conduct here unless you have money.

I think you have a misconception of what is like here in America. Everything else is not fine here. You aren’t realizing the huge lack of safety nets and the inability to get basic funding for anyone that has no money.

That 100k loan has interest. You don’t get that 200k job right out of college. You only get that if you are extremely talented, lucky, or know rich people. The vast majority of programmers here make much less and when you take out health insurance are making about the same as what you make in Europe.

Meanwhile, you have to find a way to buy a car here because you will literally die here with out one. You find a way to buy a junker for 5k (that’s what they go for here). Your car breaks down after a month on the job. You just missed a day at work that they fired you for it. Now you have to find whatever job you can quick because you all have to pay that school loan, rent, food, and car repair bill. The sheer amount of financial parasites here is staggering.

Same. I would love for someone to create a real debrid - stremio equivalent for music instead of video.