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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 10, 2023



There’s 2400 channels there, but it’s kind of hit and miss… some aren’t broadcasting or are geo-blocked etc but there’s still a lot of ok ones to go through.

For some reason I couldn’t finish 6. I’ve played them all and enjoyed most of them but something about 6 just started feeling a bit repetitive about halfway through, and my interest kind of died out. (which is weird considering the mental trauma of climbing radio towers repeatedly in previous ones.)

I’m one of the reddit refugees. To be honest I didn’t think the protest would make it very far, although I was hoping it would. It looks like reddit got a black eye out of it but that’s about it… nothing substantial.

That is fine by me. I was considering killing my two 10yr old+ accounts there anyway, and in the process I found this place, which I quite like to be honest. It’s a little janky and rough around the edges to be sure, but any of you that remember how reddit was back in the day know it was the same thing at one point. Lemmy has serious potential to become great, lots of work needs to be done but it looks like a lot of talent is already here to fullfill that potential. Growth is great, but if things grow too fast problems do too.

I look forward to seeing the true potential of what Lemmy can become, and I hope I can be useful in some way to help that happen and be part of it.