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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 04, 2023


Male doctors make detrimental decisions for women every single day based on their opinions. I’ve been dealing with it for 40 years, and the result is that I’m now suffering the ill effects - as are thousands of others. It has to stop. I hope this being suddenly newsworthy brings change.

According to this database, my city doesn’t exist.

He was the best Mr Bennet in film. I will die on this hill.

100% committed to the boycott. Haven’t shopped there since it was first suggested. We scan everything to avoid supporting genocide in Gaza as well. I’m old and cranky and just not having it.

You’re right. Indie being short for independent, e.g. shit some band records on the cheap, typically with little attention paid to production both during recording, and post. I’m not sure why people think it’s a genre.

Upper Rubber Boot, Alberskatchetoba

I’m fucking dying. This is poetry.

I know a guy who lives beside a big, open field on the Greenbelt. His neighbour owns the land and has been openly telling people his plans to build new houses there for at least two years. Ford has always planned to allow this, and his buddies have been buying up land around my area for awhile now.

I lived in the US for years, so I have perspective from both sides of the border. Honestly, after an adjustment period, I don’t see this being a problem. People would pop a paper bag over a tall boy and hop on the train with it. No one ever batted an eye.