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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 20, 2023


I know little to nothing about android, but it seems like even if we assume CMG code is in (say) all of Facebook’s iOS apps, each one needs permission to use the camera and microphone so if you deny that permission what CMG claims would be impossible. And while Apple certainly has a spotty record in enforcing App Store rules, I feel like they’ve got a lot riding on being absolutely certain that FB and Google and Amazon apps aren’t violating those rules because those are going to be on every researcher’s list of apps to test for privacy compliance.

Biden may very well not survive to the election. Plenty of people were raising concerns about his age and the physical and mental decline that were patently obvious four years ago, and were briskly told to shut the fuck up.

Run Harris. That’s the solution, because the democrats are allergic to actually cultivating new leaders.

I like swapping them out but I wouldn’t do it all at once and I’d implement term limits that put them outside of a two-term president’s reach. I like 13 year Supreme Court terms because it’s a prime number and it would keep any one president from naming more than one or two justices.

Biden should appoint Cornel West and Bernie Sanders as two of the additional 4 justices.

My hot take is that a public life should mean a much reduced expectation of privacy. If you want to make decisions that affect millions (or billions) of people, those people should be able to see and hear everything you do outside of the most intimate necessities of life. E.G. you can poop without someone watching, but not much else. Don’t like it? Quit.

Or, you know, a school. You know, where there are children? Maybe children who have physical limitations who have been called gimps?

Oh well, who cares about the educational environment and getting kids exposed to FOSS options instead of commercial software?

You can follow hashtags so id suggest starting there, and see who’s posting stuff you find interesting. Or just keep following hashtags instead of people.

I read it as a celebration that anyone can distribute podcasts. Distribution is via RSS so as long as you have the feed URL you can use whatever podcast player you want to subscribe to whatever podcasts you want.

I would say if you accept subscription services as justifiable, Duolingo is justified. What you’re raising is poor performance, not a reason for it to be purchase only.

Of course, I would be in favor of “the app is free, pay a set price for a language pack” rather than a subscription for premium.

Master/slave systems are probably a-ok for them though.

Cory Doctorow argues that all implanted devices should be open sourced so that if the company making one ends support, patients aren’t left with a non- or malfunctioning piece of hardware inside them.

The cookies and so on are the “account.” And the trackers are sophisticated enough that they can track you across multiple devices, meaning multiple IPs.

Does your imagined network protocol also not have MAC addresses? At some level a packet needs to know where it is going, or the receiver won’t get it.

Or insurance needs to be nationalized and not run for profit. Insurance started as a way for rich people to hedge against a total loss when investing in long distance trading ventures. Insurers then found a way to worm into every aspect of life including things like housing which is not a venture undertaken by choice.

Other than liking the nice round number of 20 years, that’s exactly my take. Copyright longevity creates perverse incentives for rights holders, and it locks down the ability of other creators to use common cultural references.