Canadians are preparing for a retail blackout on Feb 28th. For one day, show them we have the power by making absolutely no purchases from American retailers operating here, in Canada! Stand together! Stand strong! And spread the word!🍁

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Joined 10d ago
Cake day: Feb 12, 2025


I get it. It’s just the kind of meaningless babble I’d expect in a social setting, like at a bar or party.

So it’s just empty blathering then, when this German ambassador says they have our back. Great.

I think you just came up with rump’s new name.

But speaking generally, what’s the end goal with all these bots? The way some people speak, the net’s almost all bots as is. I don’t believe it, otherwise I wouldn’t bother signing on anymore… but if that’s in fact where we’re headed, what do people think they’re accomplishing in the long run by flooding the Internet with these things? Won’t it be just them and their little bots in the end?

You’re more of an expert than I am! I don’t get it… what do they think they’re accomplishing by ridding themselves of human users?

Thanks. I don’t use Twitter, so it’s good to hear what’s going on over there.

I’d seen warnings posted that this, in large part, is and is going to be a psychological type of warfare. I thought it was nonsense at first, till I saw the barrage of verbal attacks against Canadians continuing to grow in numbers and frequency at sites like Reddit… telling us we’re useless and might as well give up. But then it occurred to me that when our enemy wants us to think we’re doing it wrong, it’s because they know we’re doing it right!

So if they are, in fact, attempting to defeat us psychologically, then we need to fight back the same way: We need to maintain and guard our right thinking and perspective by continuing to read and post and share those articles that prove our efforts are working! When we read something that discourages us, we need to follow it up by also reading from the reams of encouraging news out there! Foremost, we need to remind ourselves and each other that we aren’t alone in this… that, as Canadians, we are 40 million strong! And not only this, but we also have the support of Friends from all around the world, many of them even joining us in our efforts!

So we need to keep standing together and standing strong… knowing they would love nothing more than to see us give up, and in fact need for us to give up cause they know what we’re doing is working!

Go Canada & Friends! 🍁🌍

I normally find this kind of thing petty, but there’s nothing normal about this mess… go Canada! Yay to the boo!

Quebec really is beautiful. Haven’t been in ages, would love to go back one day.

It’s is a bit embarrassing to admit, but this is the first time I’ve cried during our national anthem.

God keep our land glorious and free!
O Canada, we stand on guard for thee!

O Canada