• 1 Post
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 16, 2023



I have 2 Terminals open, in one is a Python Terminal Chat client running(pt3). I want to sent text from the other terminal(pt2) to the chat. It does write the text to pt3 but pt3 dosent ‘see’ the text.

If i send over “hallo world” it prints on the terminal but dosent show up in chat.

github of the python termina terminal chat

i will never trust a company that had so much investor money on hand to run such a massivr ad campain like Nord did.

It was missleading, agressive and anoying.

The pressure behind that ad campaim kind made me feel like the whole thing was just the biggest honeypot we have ever seen.

well get a HDMI to AV adapter, a AV to usb adapter, and 2 VHS recorders. first record the movie from hdmi to VHS and then copy VHS to VHS a few times till the quality goes down.

used hardware for this should be around 30$ or cheaper…or you could just use a video editor and add the VHS effect but that dosent look as good as true analog noise

i use jerboa to browse lemmy, when i click those links they open in a browser…how do i actually add those comunitys?