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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Sep 11, 2023


Yeah the US differs by a couple of weeks iirc

20yrs ago I had to help my comp sci housemate build a website for his module. I was not a CS student.

Some things never change.

Alt: a single pane comic in which a person says to another person: "silicate chemistry is second nature to us geochemists, so it’s easy to forget that the average person probably only knows the formulas for olivine and one or two feldspars.

The other person says: “and quartz, of course”

The first person replies: “of course.”

The caption to the comic reads “even when they’re trying to compensate for it, experts in anything wildly overestimate the average person’s familiarity with their field”

I completely agree. I taught JS/TS for 5yrs and I always emphasised that the ‘class’ keyword was just syntactic sugar for what was already available in prototype inheritance of JS.

Huh? I’ve worked with TypeScript + React for the last 5yrs and the only time I see OOP is when someone’s done something wrong.

Maybe you’re thinking of old react with class based components?

It’s exclusivity deals that are the problem. Governments should legislate them away so that there can be competition.

Then we’d all choose the marketplace of our preference. Like supermarkets.

Video streaming, music streaming, games consoles, even mobile OSs all could benefit from some anti-monopoly legislation.

Thankfully the only interaction I have with teams is when a supplier arranges the call. Once every two weeks. It grosses me out every time…and that’s the Web app.

Do you really think they have done such optimisation efforts as minimising function calls? I can’t imagine it’s required for what is actually a fairly simple frontend app. The complexity is the enabling stack on the backend.

Something has gone horribly wrong if you’re trying to do such optimisations when you’ve already chosen JavaScript…let alone Electron.

Why would you be using JS in this scenario?

There are those who have anxiety disorders whereby they have non-trivial amounts of anxiety that impairs their ability to live a “normal” life. Like going outdoors or getting on a bus or whatever. But for many of us you’re right…it’s just part of being an animal; a trip to the gym or a walk outside usually irons out the kinks.

It is well known that as soon as you document a setup procedure, it is out of date and needs redocumenting.

Native apps have the potential to be better than electron apps for sure. I get that.

This is a surface level thing though - the question is: would THIS app, written by THAT organisation be better if it was native? Unlikely because they don’t have the skillset for it…otherwise it would have been a native app. Its also likely that less apps would even exist because the barrier to entry is higher without electron and similar.

But this is just a meme and I’m taking this way too seriously!

Folks in this thread complaining about Electron I think miss the point. It is a trade-off. It is designed to allow engineers who have a web dev skillset to write desktop apps. For those like me who want to write the occasional hobby app - it’s great. It’s also great for orgs to be able to have cross functional teams. Just like React Native allows this for the mobile world. This could be because they’re small and can’t afford specialist native engineers for each platform they want to support - or it could be that they want to spend their money in other areas and happy to trade off app performance. If it was as lean or as performant as native apps there would be a lot of people in this thread looking for work.