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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 16, 2023


I see. It seems like you may be one of the people that try to coerce relational models into nosql stores like Dynamo.

Or course it’s possible. They even trick you into thinking it’s a good pattern by naming things “tables”.

But if you’re using Dynamo to its fullest an ORM is not going to be able to replicate that into a relational store without some fundamental changes.

I am literally in the middle of swapping DynamoDB for a RDBMS.

The idea that you can abstract away such fundamentally different data stores is silly. While I hate doing it now, reworking the code to use relational models properly makes for a better product later.

RFC 1925(11) —

(11) Every old idea will be proposed again with a different name and a different presentation, regardless of whether it works.


I remember. The turbo on my 386 didn’t make it faster. It made non turbo mode slower.

I don’t know how other devs tolerate IDEs in the first place. Is not (neo)vim and CLI sufficient?

Absolutely. The crawler is doing some rudimentary processing before it ever does any sort of data storage saving. That’s the sort of thing that’s being persisted behind the scenes, and it’s almost certainly both not enough to reconstruct the web page, nor is it (realistically) human-friendly. I was going to say “readable” but it’s probably some bullshit JSON or XML document full of nonsense no one wants to read.

The loss of credibility is not because it’s discord,. specifically.

It’s because the project thinks a chat platform is an appropriate way to document a project. I would feel the same way if someone told me to get on IRC for docs, or Slack.

Tandem Diabetes, the people that make one of the few insulin pumps out there, quite vocally demand that, to keep your official apps working, you not update to the latest versions of Android or iOS.

Such bullshit.

That sounds like a problem for IT, not a dev. ;)

Yeah, yeah, but I don’t have to patch it.

If true, great. I’ve not run across a language / RDBMs library that uses numbered place holders over the standard ?, but I’m sure someone’s done it.

The things you described are, under any interpretation, PII, and the rest reason they are being posted falls within the scope of the law.

Even for convicted rapist Brock Turner.

– edit: mobile keyboards stink

USBC is a hot god damned mess.

The C describes only the shape of the connector.

The numbered specification (“2.0”, “3.0”) describes the speed.

But USBC can also do non-USB protocols like HDMI and Thunderbolt and DisplayPort.

I always start with the basics for my test cases. Like, every test case has a name, and assert(true) in the body.

I’ll set aside a couple hours this weekend to knock out a couple.

Wow, I would pass on this job so fast.

Not because it’s hard to fire up curl or something, but because any company that thinks this is a better solution than a human reviewing a resume needs to be smacked. Because you know what the very next step is? They’re going to ask for a resume, and then make you sit through that bullshit where you type your resume into a hundred different boxes into their candidate management system / workday / talento / etc., and promise to “get back to you soon.”

You know how you can check if a candidate can interact with an API? Send them a coding test. Ask questions. Do some whiteboarding with them. This sort of shit is just some HR lackey ninja thinking they’re clever and edgy.

Hey, I’m a senior developer with 25+ years’ experience and more languages and tools and stacks and environments and so on that is reasonable to list in a comment. In my decades of experience, finding someone who is legitimately good at Excel is a rarity.