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Joined 7M ago
Cake day: Feb 19, 2024


This video is great. I’m on Nix and I wholeheartedly endorse the philosophy behind it, No Boilerplate has been a really big eye opener for me over the last few months.

For me, I write notes in Markdown anyways as part of a Zettelkasten, and by setting up my site this way I can stay in my development / note taking environment (nvim) and push stuff up to the site very quickly. It’s far easier as a developer to work off-the-cuff with this type of workflow, at least for me.

Also, would be very easy to self-host or move provider if Vercel or any other provider goes down.

I use Pelican for the site and it’s working great. :)

Astro is also popular and will be familiar if you’ve developed with React before as they support JSX templates.

Hey, just wanted to drop this here. It's a technical follow-up to [The Unreasonable Effectiveness of Static Sites](https://fd93.me/simple-sites) which was reasonably popular, and explains the components of a static site's stack.

Hey - the poster isn’t actually the author. That would be me! Thanks for the feedback though. I normally just use Dark Reader for switching theme.