floppade [he/him]
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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Oct 12, 2023


If you’re not going to use the term in a colloquial context while you are in a colloquial setting, then you need to cite what source you are referencing for your definition. Given that you are talking about laws, then you need to recognize that every place defines things differently according to the law. So which law, where?

Being unnecessarily argumentative and snobby while at the same time not meeting your own standards is ridiculous.

You’re being pedantic in the cases you want while complaining to others when they are differently pedantic. I’m not stooping to pretending to misunderstand due to pedantry.

If you are using the term theft colloquially, which most of us are as this is not a court, legal journal, economic journal, etc. Given that colloquial means the way people generally speak, as we are now, theft has a meaning: taking something that’s not yours through force or trickery. That would mean fraud is a type of theft in this case and not a different thing altogether.

So be a pedant I guess but it’s boring and lazy-brained.

I don’t think you understand how laws work. Many times, they are required to define terms in order to enforce the law.

That is an assumption made that the artist still has the original thing that was not paid for. I understand what you’re being pedantic about. I just don’t think you’re right.

I don’t know if any freelancer who has not been paid for their work will agree with you

It’s not gymnastics. It’s a pretty easy step. Corporations fuck you over. You fucked them over. No mental gymnast skills required for that