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Cake day: Jun 09, 2023


In that article it is mentioned that Trump is going back on an agreement he signed a few years ago.

Therefore agreements made with Trump do not mean anything. He will choose not to honour them if and when it is convenient to him.

But then I guess we already knew that from his business practices.

The art of the deal is to make the other side believe you are honourable, use that credibility to offer more than you intend to give and leverage them to give you what you want. Then invent a pretext to cancel the deal and keep your ill-gotten gains.

The problem with governments dealing with trump is that they trust him to be true to his word. I do not believe he will. I fear he will use this approach with Ukraine to hand them over to Poo-tin. Then when it’s to late for the international community to do anything he’ll just say Zelenskyy didn’t hold up his end of the bargain.

Can we strip him of earth citizenship and send him to Mars? Preferably without any of the engineers whose work he claims the credit for?