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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 14, 2023


Ok but like, why draw the line at Massachusetts? Lol. If I make a wrong turn and end up in New Hampshire am I going to have to reevaluate my fruits and vegetables?

Does this vary from place to place?

So not all the characters are even known yet?

That guy wasn’t in charge, I hope? That would not have passed code review with me at least.

Yep. Cross platform Unity game engine also. No fences keeping C# in Microsoft land these days

Audio chat is “not supported” by discord in Firefox last I checked. Are you spoofing user agent also?

Your contribution appears to be solely whinging. If you want a certain type of content how about you post some and see if it catches on?

I have a fine arts degree and I’m a lead dev 🤷‍♂️