#FamilyMan been married for >15 years and have two daughters. Those three girls are my greatest love on this planet.

I consider myself a #GNU Evangelist. Learning about what #FreeSoftware was, including GNU/Linux, opened my eyes to so many things: governments aren’t the only ones stealing individual rights, I know so much less about computers than I thought I did, the idea of code, I can make a difference without having to know anyone particular.

I’m employed as contract Engineer in the Metal industry. My workplace is not yet unionized, but I’m hoping to fix that. #Union member of the #IWW IU440. I don’t have an engineering degree. After discovering Free Software I took my political scientist butt and found a call center job that paid for me to go to Community College to study Software Engineering, where I learned that I liked the idea of coding a lot more than I liked coding. The blessings of God put some great opportunities in my lap at just the right time.

I’m a #Libertarian and have been for over 20 years. The love of libertarianism is what lead me to first to a BS in #political science and later to falling in love with Free Software. These days I lean toward the left side of the libertarian spectrum including being a member of the Libertarian #Socialist Caucus of the Libertarian Party (LSC-LP). Sometimes I call myself a #LibSoc.

I’m a huge #sports fan, but don’t following any particular sport/team super closely. Lately I’ve been getting into #Cricket in addition to my other passions of Professional #Wrestling, Lower Division North American #Soccer, NHL & College #hockey, #baseball #olympics & #rugby (union and #RugbyLeauge). My whole life used to be American #Football, but now-a-days I can’t stand it anymore than I can basketball.

I’m a #BornAgain #Christian, accepting #Jesus as my savior at age 9. Received #Believers Baptism at age 18. Received the baptism of the #HolySpirit as evident in speaking in #tougnes later that year. The #Spirit lead me to the #Catholic #Church at age 20 where I was confirmed at the Easter Vigil. I am a grateful believer in Jesus Christ in #recovery from lust. #XA #SA #CR Currently in the very early stages of discernment for joining the #Ecumenical order of #Fransicans (#OEF).

  • 4 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 30, 2023


@Nyarlathotep @anytimesoon I mean, I do the same thing people have done for a century, I listen to the radio.

@anytimesoon Why do you want some computer recommending music for you? Wouldn’t you rather your friends and shit? #FunkWhale

@ArugulaZ oh that was my profile pic until earlier today. Did you mean Mr. Data rather than Mr. Putin?

@FlashMobOfOne I agree with you on a personal level. If others want to volunteer to do such I think they have a right to, even if I would recommend against them personally exercising such a right.

Ukrainian president signs controversial law to boost conscription to fend off Russia’s aggression
[ground.news/article/ukraine-pr…](https://ground.news/article/ukraine-president-volodymyr-zelensky-signs-mobilisation-bill-into-law_cb17e3) The new legislation further simplifies mobilization procedures and introduces new penalties for draft dodgers. President Vladimir Zelensky signed his country’s long-debated military mobilization bill into law on Tuesday, a legislation card publicly available on the Ukrainian parliament’s website indicates. The mobilization bill was passed by the Verkhovna Rada earlier this month, following a drawn-out controversy over its contents. In a last-minute turn of events, the bill’s provisions became even stricter than they originally were, losing a demobilization clause. The adopted legislation effectively means that all draftees are set to remain in the military indefinitely, with the change reportedly lobbied by Aleksandr Syrsky, the recently appointed commander-in-chief of the armed forces. A demobilization procedure is expected to be introduced in separate legislation, though it remains unclear when exactly such a bill could materialize. The new law further simplifies draft procedures, with all Ukrainians obliged to “update data” on themselves with the military authorities within 60 days after the legislation comes into force. The provision applies to Ukrainians living abroad as well. Apart from that, all the eligible individuals aged 18 to 60 now must always carry their military ID on them. Moreover, a conscription notice is now considered to be delivered to a draftee even should conscription officers fail to meet them in person at their residence and actually hand them their notice. The legislation also introduces new penalties for breaches, including fines and suspension of a driver’s permit. The police can also forcibly deliver a suspected draft dodger to an enlistment office should a draftee fail to show up on being deemed to have received their conscription notice. Critics of the legislation have been arguing it will only drive a wedge between the Ukrainian authorities and ordinary people. It has also reportedly received a poor reception within the military itself, given the lack of any demobilization mechanisms. The reception was apparently also influenced by the fact that the bill’s introduction was justified largely by the purported need to relieve war-weary soldiers from their military service. Kyiv has maintained its mobilization drive since the early days of the conflict with Russia, which broke out in late February 2022. The mobilization effort grew increasingly chaotic and lawless over time, with numerous videos circulating online showing Ukrainian enlistment officers chasing potential soldiers in the streets, violently detaining them, beating them up, and so on. Senior Ukrainian officials, however, have routinely dismissed concerns over mounting violations as Russian propaganda.

At this point in history, I don’t see any way that SCOTUS weighing in on this is going to be beneficial.

why not just use am invidious instance like i.devol.it to access such content so as to eliminate the ads, eliminate the tracking, and encourage Free Software peeps to keep up the good work?

@Imprint9816 on my work laptop I do so by just connectint to our German office instead of the U.S. one

@Petter1 probably true, its always been a hardware issue for me. But the whole “setup” is what turns away much of the general public.

If governments would just get out of the damn way…

@rambos@lemm.ee if I recall correctly I had used that before, and it didn’t seem legit. (Unlike Friendica, it appears blocked from my work VPN)

Recommend option for “full house VPN”?
I have an old Linksys router which I have read is quite "hackable" for setting up a VPN with custom Linux firmware (tomato, etc.). Everything I have looked up on it, however, seems to be about creating a VPN so that you can access the internet from anywhere in the world, but utilizing your home IP address. I want to plug a wi-fi router into my internet gateway, and then have any device in the house that connects to that device be using a vpn to show location as somewhere else. (I.e. keep **HOME**, **Home\_Guest** and add a new **CANADA** SSID to choose from in the house. My main use case is so that I can switch APs using the infrared red remote for my SmartTv and watch live streaming of our local baseball team on my brothers' MLB.TV account (free with T-Mobile Cellular service) where it blocks local IP addresses in hopes you'll pay for the silly cable package in order to get the RSN. Am I barking up the wrong tree? Should I be looking for a different solution, or am I just searching the wrong terms? Any particular VPN provider you'd recommend for something like this?

@Pixelle3D yep. When Netflix was basically the only game in town they beat out pirating as the market has shown they are willing to pay for convenience. But with the saturation in the market making the convenience not convenience…que return of the pirates.

@blah thanks for the heads up. I’ll take a look and I’ll edit if I need to.

@kia information is free, I don’t need to ask permission, that’s just giving them a chance to say NO

@RootBeerGuy @kia I know it costs a shit ton, and the only people who ever seem to read it are the other people quoting it, and its just as much bullshit as every other IP.

Where to post Academic Articles
I was recently unable to find a particular journal article I wanted to read that was referenced in something else I was reading. I only could find an abstract on Google Scholar, and nothing at all on Z-lib. I was able to get a full copy by just emailing the author at her university (I guess its true that most of them will give you a PDF if you ask. they are just glad SOMEONE is actually reading their work). But now that I have it, I fell obligated to share it with the world, the question is, where is the best place to put it?

Canadian youth attracted to socialism?
♲ [mastodon.social/@PatrickoftheG…](https://mastodon.social/@PatrickoftheG/109921276944972570)