• 2 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 10, 2023


The thing is more complicated than than. Moreover, there is a wish/needs to train/fine-tune models locally. This is not comparable to initial training of chatGPT like models, but still require some power. Juts today I read that some pixel 8 video improvement features will not be ported to pixel 7 because they need tensor 3 power.

New technology brings new risks. Sell stuff via the internet? Are you crazy?

I assume they simply expect that the risks can be addressed.l. and generally I tend to agree with them. We somehow managed the fact that Google search results are not 100% accurate or Wikipedia articles can be hijacked.

I have a different impression about new AI features backporting plans, but we will see. My point is that ai targeting HW can potentially drive the next smartphones evolution, which is slowed down currently.

The same things people say about every new technology: computers, internet, smartphones etc. I use my smartphone very differently compared to 10 years ago. And apps which existed 10 years ago are very different now and require different HW. CPU progress is slowing, but AI focused hw could be the next wave.

It looks like hardware improvement is shifting to AI capabilities. If so, in 7 years pixel 8 will be hardly interesting for anyone from the target audience.

The gap between free and paid accounts becomes bigger and bigger.

At least for free accounts you either have history chat and allow use of your data for training or reject both. Probably same with this new type of data.

The iPhone 15 Pro and Pro Max will have built-in Thread radio, so they can directly communicate with smart home devices. Old iPhones could probably be used as a smart home hub. I think this the most interesting update of the event.

some are, some are not, but they happen.

my point was, there are some cases where human drivers act better (yet), but there are a lot of other cases where they act worse (for many different reasons). And if a single indirectly lethal case means that “Those damn things are not ready to be used on public roads.”, then human drivers are not ready either - they are responsible for much more lethal cases (per whatever unit you count).

Sounds good, can you share an example. In Germany, this is called “Rettungsgasse” and works (mostly always) like here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7kPT7VHVTb8

I think that taxi for AV is selected not because this is the most painful area which must be improved (in that case I agree apple to apple comparison would be needed), but because it is a small well controlled area which is relatively easy to start and implement an improvement feedback loop.

Are you talking about AVs or about humandrivers, which drive drunk, been overtired, after a bad night, emotionally, texting during driving etc?

I disagree that human drivers in general act more responsible than AV. And for exactly this use case as well, I read too many stories about emergency cars stuck in traffic causing death of someone.

The only country where emergency corridor works well is Germany, afaik.

No really. Samsung offers 4 years of os updates and 5 years of security updates. Samsung releases os updates really fast, so 5 years basically means 5 os versions.

Fairhone declares 5 os versions and 8 years of software support. Fairphone users here mentioned that fairphone is very slow with updates, so it could happen that 5 os versions really will take 8 years. If Fairphone will keep same cadence as Samsung, its 5 os versions can be coverted into 5 years.

But we have a bit of apples vs oranges here.

I personally find samsung’s policy good enough for majority of users. I expect that I will upgrade my phone every 3 - 5 years for different unpredictable today reasons anyway.

Yes, very realistic scenario. TBF, I cannot remember if I ever upgraded a phone due to the battery issuses.

So, for me personally, replaceable battery is not a significant benefit.

It’s not, according to Fairphone “We plan at least 5 Android OS version updates after Android 13”. So, 5 years of os and other 3 years of security.

According to Fairphone “We plan at least 5 Android OS version updates after Android 13”.

Samsung offers 4 years of os updates for many phones and watches. And news reported that pixel 8 will have better.

If I recall correctly, Xiaomi recently declared the same for some of their phones.

“If someone was using Jitsi, it was specifically to not use a login with any of those providers” this sounds like the only reason to use jitsi is avoid big guys, and if you cannot avoid them jitsi makes no sense - i.e. “no big guys” is the only feature worth it.

Btw, “login via Google” and use “Google meet” are significantly different cases from privacy point of view.

Never used Jitsi. Above you indirectly say that from the functional point of view Jitsi is noticeably worse than meeting solutions of MS/Google/FB. Is this really so?

You can offer a service to explain people what these books are about, your opinion about them, answer people’s questions about these books.

You can automate this as well.

But, an “AI” for whatever reason should not…

I would not recommend this. Many Samsung apps are very good - camera, gallery (especially it’s editor), many people like notes (I don’t), Bixby routines.

I know, but non of these UI covers all tasks.org features (recurring, subtasks, tags etc). Moreover, you need a separate server for this - if you have one already - greate, if not this is an issue.

I needed webgui reachable from my office as well, used tasks.org with Google tasks for a while, but it is too limited (from the Google side), then I considered alternatives and found that in my case ticktick offers best set of features and “just works” for simple cross devices needs Microsoft Todo also works surprisingly well.

Now support of wearos becomes also a useful option.

Yes, just found this. Anyways, I was fine to pay few bucks per year, but I need a full functional web version as well.

I do not remember exactly, but I think todoist had a terrible widget (very unproductive usage of the space) and needed a subscription for recurring reminders.

On play store sync is a paid feature and if I recall correctly, something tags related. It looks like, fdroid version is completely free: https://tasks.org/docs/subscribe

Anyway, it does not have full functional web version.

I use ticktick free mode. The best what I have found for my needs. I do miss few features from tasks.org, but ticktick advantages are more important for me.

Afaik, originally they solved the problem twitter has created: URLs were counted together with the tweet text - with overall limit of 140.

I read about test which was do e on Reddit subreddit where chatGPT answers were compared with human doctor’s answers (who answer people on Reddit, probably not that representative selection of human doctor’s, though).

The results were assessed by other human dictors, not just patients.

The test found that answers provided by chatGPT had better quality and had higher emphathy.

You can read their privacy policy. It describes two options:

  • Either you keep chat history and it can/will be used for training it
  • or you deactivate chat history, then it will be kept up to 30 days for legal reasons and removed afterwards, your data will not be used for training.

For me personally, gmaps hast best ui and features from allandroid navigation apps I tried.

Well. Some time ago one had similar arguments about manually categorized web site catalogs and algorithm driven search engines.

Today’s ai are not areplacment, but in ten years … rather likely.

what AI tool do you mostly use Bard or ChatGPT
Since Bart is now available in Europe I have both options now and problem of choice :) People who have access to both for a while, what AI tool do you mostly use?