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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 22, 2023


I can think of four aspects needed to emulate human response: basic knowledge on various topics, logical reasoning, contextual memory, and ability to communicate; and ChatGPT seems to possess all four to a certain degree.

Regardless of what you think is or isn’t intelligent, for programming help you just need something to go through tons of text and present the information most likely to help you, maybe modify it a little to fit your context. That doesn’t sound too far fetched considering what we have today and how much information are available on the internet

Does it really though? It seems to me that once you nail the general intelligence, you’ll just need to provide the supplemental information (e.g. new documentations) for it to give an accurate response.

Bing already somewhat does this by connecting their bot to internet searches

You mean shitty code which you can just check and ask them to change in almost real time, over posting your question on SO and waiting for months for an answer?

Hyphen (-) means you don’t want to see this word, while words surrounded by quotes (") means you want these phrases exactly.

Most symbols are also ignored, which is great for an average user but terrible for programmers.

These recommendations are good. I personally wrote my own Python script to use the Spotify API to get playlists and metadata then download the audio off YouTube.

It’s similar to spotdl but the last time I used them, they were only taking the first audio (which could be the music video version). So for my script, I put a filter for duration, prioritize YouTube music, and use keywords like “lyrics” and “official audio” that’s more likely to match the Spotify version