Betwixed and between

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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Mar 14, 2023


Thats a dark road to tread.

An example,

no alchol consumption is safe, so using your line of thinking you’d need to argue that anyone who partakes of alcohol at any anytime would fall under that line of thinking

Processed red meats simailary, especially those treated with nitrites, so those eating bacon, ham etc shouldn’t be entitled to public heath care under your reasoning

Or are those things ok becase you do them ?

On the upside, now you’ve excluded 95% of the population, public healthcare will be cheap :)

Contra to most peoples thinking, if you’re concerned about public healthcare costs, you should “encourage” obesiety and smoking, they all die early, most health care coats are associated with healthy people in their old age. See here

Adults are stupid and greedy, we all are.

I jsut stream radio music in genres I like. There’s like a zillion different stations out there.

I use RadioDroid from F Droid.

??? No such App found is all I get. Do I need to add another repo to find it ?

Yeah but I’d be be out, hear a song, download it and then it’s on my playlist minutes later as an MP3.

Newpipe does M4A only AFAIK (recommended by another user)

YouTube Downloader too ?
I used to use YouTube Downloader but it seems to have shit the bed and isn't updated. Wondering if anyone has any recommended Android app they use and a URL to download said app?

Not since the 1980s on a Commodore 64.


I suspect developers are gonna stop developing.

That’s what happened here in Australia and homes and condos (apartments) have gone from horrendously expensive to ridiculously horrendous expensive.

We don’t build homes to house people either. Unlike say these guys

Maybe they can send the poop emoji in reply if Meta does reaches out?

We have a Pirate Party in Australia, they run for The Senate, I always throw them a vote . There might be as many as a dozen of us doing likewise.

Just no, please no, for the love of god no ? that way inevitability leads to enshitification. YT itself is a giant shitshow from decades past

This… Does it still get updates or do I need to start again ?

I’d actually agree with it IF they also didn’t bother harassing piracy. So fuck 'em until then.