Only empire today is US. That a few other countries cling to a sphere of influence, and are capable of resisting US led demonism against them does not make them empires. The real tankies,today, are those who cheer US imperialism.
But back to Canada, understanding the US is coming for them, requires a wake up call to prevent. Our European “friends” that we need to share their hatred above our survival is an “interesting expression” of friendship.
morals and ideals.
Shitting on Russia is popular propaganda, that “we” always believe because we’ve always shit on Russia (except perhaps when Yeltsin was giving the country away to US backed oligarchs). Every lie is true because we unquestionably believed every previous lie. There is only pure demonism instead of “moral high ground” in diminishing other countries. “Liberal supremacy ideals” that give us the right to destroy “less liberally ideal” societies is not significantly different than right wing ethnic supremacism.
Instead of fixating on “those American indoctrinated ideals that the US used to have”, waking up to “The US has declared war on Canada”, and ending our enemy relationship to the US’s enemy is step 1 in defending ourselves. That you hope Europe will be closer friends with us, is a nice thing to hope for, but all NATO colonies cowering in fear and not doing anything together is not an effective alliance. A sewing circle for the abused wives club waiting for big daddy to come into the room, and then point at each other over who should be ravaged is not the best defense.
A multipolar world is one where countries outside of US get a say. Basic respect for Russia instead of demonic anti-human diminishment goals of pretending you can create a civil war there is multipolarism. That Canada and other former NATO colonies form a “shared values” block is a terrific idea. That US be favoured over Russia is a bad idea, without giving Russia all of the same authority over Canada that US currently holds. Choosing independence is right path for Canada. Not finding a new slave master.
Maybe it’s all Europeans downvoting me. Keep in mind that very extensive US led propaganda is responsible for your hatreds.
For Canada, and what should be Europeans too, the phantom threat of Russia should not be weighed as a real threat. The direct tangilbe threat of war by US should weigh very heavily.
If the downvotes are not all from your propaganda handlers, you don’t have time to be too shocked to lose your fantasized hatred (direct cause of your economic and political underperformance/destruction since Ukraine war) in order to deal with the real hatred towards you, that comes from the same assholes who’ve be propagandizing you all along.
More trade with EU is great. All for it. Trade with China and friendly relations/trade with Russia is needed because these are countries that will help stand up against US. Getting a commitment for next agricultural harvests to export to China/asia or EU is a critical win to displace US agriculture.
We need to stop adopting the same enemies that US manufactures. “Rules based world order” BS must stop immediately, because it has always been warmongering and extortion. When we don’t make the enemies of the US our own, then Canada is protecting the US from Russia. Not the other way around. US needs to pay for NORAD services. Whether its through NAFTA obedience/niceness, or risk of collapse that it is already teethering on, from just a single nuclear strike. Any talk of a draft in Canada must be in the context that Canada’s only enemy in the world is the US. Not BS of Canadians sent to die in Ukraine to enhance Blackrock’s cheap/corrupt privatisations.
Not only is it obvious to everyone else, that tariffs are war/extortion to ceize Canada after it is destroyed, Trudeau know it too. There needs to be a stronger response than “wait for 30 days”, because Canada is like Gaza to him.
Getting foreign auto companies specifically to make long term commitments to Canada, if only just voicing resistance to building new plants in US as tariffs go on, and are presumed temporary. Overall, the high level of auto sector job subsidies Canada pays, would make UBI with Chinese EV purchases a policy that makes Canadians better off. US insurance industry needs to announce 10%-20% auto insurance hikes today for potential halt in NA auto production impact on “replacement value” pricing.
Our retailers should not be restocking US products, with PR announcements over uncertainty. Discontinuing US products until long term threats to Canada are removed. Alternatives, including Chinese ones, should be explored.
Canadian military spending must immediately stop all F35 purchases, or at very least insist on the Israel version (even USAF not allowed to use) which gives manuals and right to repair. F35 is a broken product, and likely has US kill switch for regular model. All Canadian military spending should be on dual use systems that can defend from US. More shipyards is opportunity for export (US included), and can counter main threat to Canadian coast from US fishing or the absurd notion that Russia will build oil and gas rigs in Canadian waters.
An energy export agency that prices US oil exports at same rate as WTI price, with profits shared between Fed and Provincial level, is a path to turn upside down “captured Canadian oil” into captured US refineries designed to process heavy crude. Such pricing avoids any incentive to build new refineries for those markets. Similarly Canadian electricity (ON/PQ dominated) would be intermediated to price into wholesale US markets instead of “flooding US markets to undercut them”. Profits divided similarly. These actions lower Canadian energy prices by selling less to US, while also enhancing total national profit.
Diplomatic visits should be daily news. China specifically buying this years agricultural harvests instead of US ones is a huge win. Oil for solar panels trade. Cooperation with Mexico to get them to substitute Canada and China for agricultural exports. A national emergency on eggs, with export tariffs to US.
As a broader international picture, the choice of making USA’s enemies our own enemies is the only reason the US can say it “subsidizes our defense”. Senate (because Parliament suspended) inquiries into whether Canada’s defense is enhanced through a more neutral stance on the world, joining the global south in neutrality/cooperation with China and Russia, Whether US voter suppression, abuse of provisional ballots, should delegitimize its democracy status. Oppression of CDC vital to WHO and international health, is a corruption that also weakens any response to fentanyl. Foreign interference that includes/focuses on US/CIA and Israel in its scope is a point of inquiry. That genocide supporting Bill Ackman’s role in US election corruption might require nationalizing his stake in Tim Hortons parent company, is a point of inquiry.
North Korea and China friendliness are issues that also affect ROK and JPN. Retaining those countries access to our markets as balance to their US subservience, is an important win, that starts with diplomatic ties/overtures with North Korea. Inquiries on whether NATO aggression and disinformation may pervert the reality of Russia’s claims of self defense in its Ukraine operations can very well end up with a sham decision that “the US empire rules based world order prevails”, but that inquiry requires NATO allies and US to strongly support Canada in order to maintain the sham. The point is to start the inquiry today. Any pretense that Trump is a Putin puppet, either appeases Trump, but as Trump just got Ukraine to give it all rights to its rare earth minerals in exchange for a trickle of additional aid, the US is the sole beneficiary of our allied commitment to extorting Ukraine to the last Ukrainian for only US pillaging, and Trump bluster, is in fact US empire extortion gains, when world cowers in fear of him.
OP is correct. National emergency BS is a false pretext for war through extortion on Canada. Averting tariffs/extortion 30 days from now starts now. If our allies won’t help, then we need new friends. When we are not enemies with US enemies, then Canada protects the US from Russian ICBMs through NORAD. US needs to pay very high “rent” for NORAD cooperation if US congress does not install protections for President to launch extortion/war campaigns against Canada. “National emergencies justified for extortion against Canada” need congressional review as to whether they are true or false.
I’m only asking for Canada to do an inquriry into the truth, instead of immediately siding againt the Ukrainian diaspora that wants war to the last Ukrainian from their couch as somehow being patriotic.
How can abducting children, laying siege to residential areas, rape, torture, etc. be self defense? It’s not. It’s abhorrent. Russia is worse than Trump.
All war propaganda. An inquiry into weather evacuating Crimean orphenages that might include a single ethnic Ukrainian to the safety of Russia is an overly political abuse of the genocide designation should be part of the inquiry. Bucha theatrical propaganda operation exposure, a point of inquiry. The self defense claim is based on US puppetry and “democratic manipulation” to ensure nationalist hatred against Russia, and “forcing” Ukraine to provoke the war, and to refuse peace it agreed with. Obviously, Canada has lost US as a friend, and its choice is to have Ukraine or Russia help in its defense against US aggression. That losing the electoral support of Ukrainian nationalist diaspora to ensure the complete destruction of Ukraine is a political calculation. One I will always oppose for the demonic evil that is objectively sickening and shameful.
The point of inquiries, independently undertaken by Senate, is to have CIA/Trump beg to stop the inquiries.
Getting foreign auto companies specifically to make long term commitments to Canada, if only just voicing resistance to building new plants in US as tariffs go on, and are presumed temporary. Overall, the high level of auto sector job subsidies Canada pays, would make UBI with Chinese EV purchases a policy that makes Canadians better off. US insurance industry needs to announce 10%-20% auto insurance hikes today for potential halt in NA auto production impact on “replacement value” pricing.
Our retailers should not be restocking US products, with PR announcements over uncertainty. Discontinuing US products until long term threats to Canada are removed. Alternatives, including Chinese ones, should be explored.
Canadian military spending must immediately stop all F35 purchases, or at very least insist on the Israel version (even USAF not allowed to use) which gives manuals and right to repair. F35 is a broken product, and likely has US kill switch for regular model. All Canadian military spending should be on dual use systems that can defend from US. More shipyards is opportunity for export (US included), and can counter main threat to Canadian coast from US fishing or the absurd notion that Russia will build oil and gas rigs in Canadian waters.
An energy export agency that prices US oil exports at same rate as WTI price, with profits shared between Fed and Provincial level, is a path to turn upside down “captured Canadian oil” into captured US refineries designed to process heavy crude. Such pricing avoids any incentive to build new refineries for those markets. Similarly Canadian electricity (ON/PQ dominated) would be intermediated to price into wholesale US markets instead of “flooding US markets to undercut them”. Profits divided similarly. These actions lower Canadian energy prices by selling less to US, while also enhancing total national profit.
Diplomatic visits should be daily news. China specifically buying this years agricultural harvests instead of US ones is a huge win. Oil for solar panels trade. Cooperation with Mexico to get them to substitute Canada and China for agricultural exports. A national emergency on eggs, with export tariffs to US.
As a broader international picture, the choice of making USA’s enemies our own enemies is the only reason the US can say it “subsidizes our defense”. Senate (because Parliament suspended) inquiries into whether Canada’s defense is enhanced through a more neutral stance on the world, joining the global south in neutrality/cooperation with China and Russia, Whether US voter suppression, abuse of provisional ballots, should delegitimize its democracy status. Oppression of CDC vital to WHO and international health, is a corruption that also weakens any response to fentanyl. Foreign interference that includes/focuses on US/CIA and Israel in its scope is a point of inqury. That genocide supporting Bill Ackman’s role in US election corruption might require nationalizing his stake in Tim Hortons parent company, is a point of inquiry.
North Korea and China friendliness are issues that also affect ROK and JPN. Retaining those countries access to our markets as balance to their US subservience, is an important win, that starts with diplomatic ties/overtures with North Korea. Inquiries on whether NATO aggression and disinformation may pervert the reality of Russia’s claims of self defense in its Ukraine operations can very well end up with a sham decision that “the US empire rules based world order prevails”, but that inquiry requires NATO allies and US to strongly support Canada in order to maintain the sham. The point is to start the inquiry today. Any pretense that Trump is a Putin puppet, either appeases Trump, but as Trump just got Ukraine to give it all rights to its rare earth minerals in exchange for a trickle of additional aid, the US is the sole beneficiary of our allied commitment to extorting Ukraine to the last Ukrainian for only US pillaging, and Trump bluster, is in fact US empire extortion gains, when world cowers in fear of him.
OP is correct. National emergency BS is a false pretext for war through extortion on Canada. Averting tariffs/extortion 30 days from now starts now. If our allies won’t help, then we need new friends. When we are not enemies with US enemies, then Canada protects the US from Russian ICBMs through NORAD. US needs to pay very high “rent” for NORAD cooperation if US congress does not install protections for President to launch extortion/war campaigns against Canada. “National emergencies justified for extortion against Canada” need congressional review as to whether they are true or false.
The US does not have a fentanyl Czar. Our Czar should dictate what US should do to minimize fentanyl deaths (and domestic production), and demonize US inadequacy for making fentanyl a vector to extort Canadian sovereignty. We should not tolerate increased secret police cooperation with US, and use Czar as a “force multiplier” for US evil in world. Czar should DEMAND CDC/US agency data/reports on US failures. Pig fuckers intent on using fentanyl as a pretext for war on Canada, need to be exposed as pig fuckers maximizing domestic US deaths.
There are many measures NA can take to reduce fentanyl deaths that involve alternatives to shit talking China. Fentanyl is a problem exclusive due to overdoses from accidental fentanyl use. Fentanyl is a benefit, hospitals use, as a cheaper opiate dose.
US can do much more to curb opiate addiction including Pharma’s role in bribing doctors for prescriptions, and non opiate pain relief prescriptions. But an opposing easy path to fentanyl deaths is making opiate pills “widely available”, and “encourage cartels” to avoid escalating problems by switching to opiate pills we trust will be quality controlled. If mix of cartel/drug black market coercion/carrots policies, we can also ask them to stop heroin production/smuggling, so that only fentanyl is available on black market.
These are things that every Canadian wants its government to do, too. These are not crazy demands, even if they came from an unpopular source.”
They are 100% “crazy demands” in that a fake national emergency is declared in order to rip up trade agreements. The amounts of drugs from Canada are extremely small, and more illegal immigrants enter Canada from US rather than other way around. If Fentanyl is a problem, the US can do a lot more to curb US production, and hospital use. Another approach would be to simply eliminate heroin, since all deaths occur as a result of mistaken contamination/substitute of heroin, and fentanyl is “cheaper per dose” as reason for hospital use. Making opiate pills “highly available” would also remove fear/events of overdoses.
A fake national emergency, with other pretexts for tariffs. “small trade imbalance, and opportunity to extort Canada by destroying its economy” makes it a declaration of war. That Shopify would have more sales if Canada just surrendered, is an overly selfish perspective to say out loud, and in my opinion, treason for both him, and media that doesn’t shout it down as treason, instead of being CIA funded mind control of Canada as a US colony.
The “crazy demands” disqualifies the US from being a trusted military partner. Canada needs to stop adopting US enemies as its own, and instead realize that the US is its enemy, and it needs new friends that are powerful enough to stand up to US.
I prefer nuclear war between Russia and US, to Canadian guerilla war no matter how confident you are of Canadians.
Trump/US complaining about “having to defend Canada” is purely and only because Canada lets US explain who our enemies are. Only actual enemy of Canada is the US as this weekend showed them to be.
By not treating US’s enemies as Canada’s enemies, then Canada, through NORAD, is the one defending the US. Demanding the US to pay significantly for the privilege of Canada defending them is necessary from an enemy. Nuclear weapons are a cheap and effective way of saying “STFU asshole”, and a path to ending wars quickly. US economy/debt level is incapable of absorbing a single nuclear strike. Fucking around is an insufficient response to their fucking around.
There was some very shady shit that happened during and after the maiden protests.
Protestor shootings that directly led to Yanukovich fleeing was a false flag attack by banderites. Zero Maidan/liberals were put in place under Neuland’s chosen puppet government. Only nationalists hateful of ethnic Russians.
Whether it be strategic location (with a warming world, more shipping routes as well) or simply more resources…
Everything about shipping routes through Canada or Greenland by Russia/Asia is a lie. The only use of them would be to trade with Americas. Trade with Europe can use Russian waters exclusively. Resources would be for Americas markets too. It would be impossible for Russia to defend well if current beligerism from North America exists.
It is only under long term peace with Russia/China that we can invite them to spend $$$$ on developing the arctic or trading with us. Still US/Canada developers would have huge market/logistics advantages that could outbid a Chinese/Russian project proposal.
Now growing Canada by absorbing part of the US… that might be a good move. We’re getting increasingly fed up with the situation and a dissolution of the union looks possible in a way it never did before.
Yes, housing construction was not sufficiently supported with immigration. Non-issue with States becoming provinces.
as a Canadian that you’re being put in some weird tug of war between Russia and the US over your natural resources? Something real weird is going on here.
Russia generally has the same/similar resources as Canada. Most resource wars are based on destabilizing/sanctioning countries so that they cannot compete with “you”. The “theater script” for Ukraine war that Russia and US accepted is that permawar for as long as possible for US military production/sales and oil profits and conquest of Europe trade, ensure climate catastrophe with more alternate developments, and Russian diesel use, with eventual result being Russia winning its modest objectives + territory. There are certainly people in Russia getting rich from the war, but also Russian wages are extremely high due to competition/bonuses to its voluntary Army.
The US has firm control over Canadian resources. Chinese deals to invest in them are blocked “for national security reasons”. Russia doesn’t need more resources for itself, because it has nearby development sites it can invest in. China likes expanding global supply options. Canada obeying US on everything, and dedicated to making it its only market is Canada’s problem. Russia not to blame.
I think if things start to get bad Canada should work directly with friendly US states and make us an offer we can’t refuse, seceding from the US and joining Canada. Most of us would be happy to stop subsidizing the red states that drag us down in exchange for healthcare.
Canada needs to be bigger. It’s why immigration was welcomed under Trudeau. Immigration only works if a sustainable future is hoped for. Otherwise we must resort to canibalism right away, and right wing got a big boost from anger due to unsustainability combined with full support to ensure unsustainability as the solution. Absolutely, US states are welcome to join without threatening the right with reaction to + support for unsustainability. Bigger overall market, and less divisiveness.
After 2014 coup, then Odessa massacre, Banderite militias were allowed to shell/terrorize Donbas, with US weaponry. Russia pursued peaceful resolutions through Minsk accords. Ukraine and west signing the accords were admission of its “nazi evil terrorism” that needed to be stopped, but they also later admitted, including Zelensky’s false election promise to implement them, that signing a peaceful resolution was just to buy time to build military in order to provoke a war.
The propaganda of hate is easy: “We’re fully permitted to diminish nations that we hate, and like Santa Claus, everyone should believe every lie for our own good”. There is no ideology in the world that is worse than communism or ex-communists to US.
Is to do exactly what he wants?!
“Trump wants to exit from NATO” is the big meme. He loves Putin, perhaps because of a pee tape is another.
Because US has colonial control over all NATO members, NATO is seriously considering a 50% to 150% increase in military spending, most of it to buy US weapons, for purposes of completely destroying their economy/social safety nets, all of which to force Russia to still outproduce them militarily. The delusion that US controlled NATO is not behaving under pure demonism in false fear of Russia is the self destruction submission to US. The US only needs exclusive, not NATO, control over Greenland in order to threaten Europe directly. Greenland is far away from Russia, and like Canada, a NATO/NORAD ally is fully committed to intercepting ICBMs that go over its land… so far.
There is 0 negative political opposition in US if Trump succeeds in annexing Canada or other countries or in significantly subjugating EU/NATO to high military tributes. Dressing up basic self respect to ally with countries who have never threatened any of us, and were balanced trade partners prior to 2022 as “giving Trump what he wants” is simply/pure treason through “Putin Derangement Syndrome”. Canada/EU was always on wrong side of war on Russia, as proven by current US policy. Our sycophancy is not rewarded.
If you dream of Trump is devoted to Putin, then emptying NORAD of defenses to give Putin a clear ICBM shot into Permean basin, because Trump wants that, then Canada gets to settle its trade war by giving something Trump wants.
There needs to be zero tolerance for the BS that the US protects Canada. It is Canada protecting US, and US must pay heavily for that privilege.
Canada can’t afford war with/diminishment of US enemies. It is 100% propaganda that Ukraine is not fully responsible for provoking war with Russia, at US puppetry control. Canadians need to be woken up from its US/CIA media and politician control in subservience to US agendas.
Simple neutrality with those countries who have not declared war against us this week, or ever, is the basic ask for any non traitorous ruler we have, and it should come with full Canadian support. Otherwise, you are fully supporting a “fatigue/boiling the frog” path to accepting being a US territory along with its massive debt, extortionist healthcare, and voter suppression political corruption.
Canada’s extensive contibutions to NORAD, proudly declared by Canada last year:
$39B promised since 2022.
NAFTA 2 (and 1) is suspended until tariffs removed. NAFTA 2 (USMCA) did add some IP protections that NAFTA had mostly already. But simple response is no NAFTA rules apply to Canada if US declares fake national emergency to bypass USMCA. It’s not “just” an act of war, it is “unilateral suspension of USMCA” to make war. Canada does not need a national emergency declaration to invalidate USMCA until pig fucker begs to get it back.
Yeah, but at some point you have to hold the voters to accord? They wanted this. They voted for this. He literally told them he would do this. And then he won the popular vote.
“Solve the fentanyl and immigration “crisis”” was a Mexico thing. “There is nothing Canada can do, and we must extort them through economic warfare to force them to become 51st state” was bs after election.
Like it or not, the only way I see getting out of this mess is mass suffering of the US population.
“This is an act of war, and national emergency is bs pretext for act of war, means that Canada must end military cooperation with US, or demand high fees for cooperation on NORAD and 5 eyes. Canada will stop viewing US/Israel enemies/adversaries as its own.”
National population opinion is what media says is opinion. Politicians needing Canada to be a colony, NORAD, US weapons customer, never mind actually providing the radar forewarning of Russian iCBM strikes, that deters Russia from winning war in Ukraine in a day, while simultaneously collapsing US economy through strike on Permean oil basin, is the leverage Canada needs at political level of US, which is all that matters. Failure to threaten US with neutrality, is failure to impress inconveniences to US evil warmongering on Canada vs “colonial status it used to enjoy”.
He said if “you get rid of that artificially drawn line,” referring to the border, it would “also be much better for [U.S.] national security.”
Disappointed with Trudeau response of “anger is wrong”, and “must retain strong US military alliance”. Unless Europe, UN, NATO voices strong support for unfairness/act of war, Canada must break the alliance and get closer to countries it has been “forbidden to” + Mexico. It’s only by making US beg to reform alliance/colonial master status, that Canada can return to supporting US.
Trudeau seemed to care too much about Smith in his response, as if LPC will win a seat in that province. US Petroleum Institute (lobbyists) said only that they were working with Trump (not Canada) on objectives, though did say they prefer no tariffs. US industry needs to make statements more supportive of Canada than they are so far.
tariffs lowered on Chinese EVs with conditions of tech transfer + using Canadian automobile factories for manufacturing.
If Chinese companies set up plants in Canada, they would by definition not pay tariffs on Canadian content. Canada’s colonial status to US has made us reject Chinese FDI of all kinds. Removing tariffs on Chinese EVs is step to take if all Canadian auto companies announce closures and moves to US manufacturing. Trump says “we don’t need Canadian cars”. Canada not only subsidized auto sector jobs to a high level, but could get much better value cars if the auto sector abandons it. Prosperity in general from joining BRICS, and belt and road/significant FDI.
We need to charge US much more for NORAD access, and be more independent in foreign policy/alignments, instead of allowing US demonization propaganda to force us to accept all adversaries it tells us to.
Russia only asks of Ukraine not to join NATO, and host US missile bases, and to stop being hateful. If US supported French supremacists in Switzerland to exterminate their German population then point missiles at Germany, should Germany do anything? Object at all? All US allies siding with the US on such diminishment would declare “Germany the bad actor”. Resentment against “Former German regimes” would have nothing related to current hatred/propaganda against Germany. The world of US sycophancy means nothing is real anymore.
A Canadian toddler should understand that a country that has never threatened us makes a better friend/no longer enemy status than a current enemy that has them as enemy status.