Wizened (and withering) game developer, Monster Hunter and Genshin Impact enjoyer, occasional music maker, and unapologetic leftist.

Games matter. But people matter more. ♥

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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 17, 2023

Do they know one second is slow?
> Computers can create and destroy entire worlds in one second. One second is multiple billions – billions! – of executed instructions. One second is an eternity for a computer. > Yet I sometimes wonder whether one second is the smallest unit of time most programmers think in. Do they know that you can run entire test suites in 1s and not just a single test? Do they know that one second is slow? Seeing how slow modern software can be, on modern hardware, just makes me sad sometimes. I really feel this person's pain, including the slow creeping insanity of "how is nobody else noticing/bothered by this". 😓

I’m also finding it really effective. I only hate that backing out from a post is a crapshoot on whether it preserves my scroll position, resets to the top, or reloads the entire feed.