jlow (he/him)
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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 13, 2023


I think that’s not part of the official family (because it’s not open source?)

Maybe check other players if they can display them correctly? Not sure if mpv can butt that’s what I’d try first.

Didn’t he start his “career” with showing a hack on how to get free dial-up internet on German TV for fame and thereby ruining it for everyone because obviously the telco “fixed” the hack after that?

Not used this but it seems like a wrapper for YT-DLP for Android which I use all the time on the desktop:

YTDLnis (Android Video/Audio Downloader app using yt-dlp) https://f-droid.org/packages/com.deniscerri.ytdl/

Did 404 come out of nowhere or have I been sleeping on them?

I’ve been using https://github.com/haugene/docker-transmission-openvpn for years without issue because I could get my weird VPN to work with it (though the latest release seems to be from 12/2023 …)

Not sure if get-iplayer is of any help here but for BBC it’s amazing (think you need a VPN outside the UK).

Yeah, I’ve had the same experience multiple times, people have been raving about it but I can’t find a tutorial that is as noob-friendly as I’d need it.

+1 for Audiobookshelf, couldn’t be happier, Android app and website on mobile both work great.


Black Mirror is not an instruction manual, people. Quite the opposite. Can we stop trying to make every episode real?

Mh, I ran multiple Docker containers on a 4 a few years ago (Jellyfin, Arrs, Syncthing, Portainer etc). It’s certainly possible, I didn’t notice it being that slow but switched to a NUC since because I a few things I wanted didn’t have ARM builds and other stuff.

Interesting, the name sounds familiar, it’s not based on Matrix and they’re planning encrypted messages. Oh, you can self-host it!

Can the next big thing please not be a cancer for humanity that further erodes human society?

Check out Brackeys new videos on Godot. Haven’t personally seen it yet but his stuff was super helpful when we both worked with Unity back when.

Do you know what format the comics come from Amazon (and if they actually have DRM)? I’m not sure if I’ve ever done it with comics but ebooks from Amazon usually worked well with DeDRM for Calibre:

https://github.com/nodrm/DeDRM_tools (hosting piracy stuff on Github 😘)

Last time I did it I had to use a Kindle app on Android to get the file which was kind of a hassle but it worked in the end.

If you get it into Calibre, you can just convert it to zip in Calibre, export the zip, remane the file ending to cbz, done.

Was wondering what the heck “Elevage Legendary’s Reborn (Husky” is and apparently it’s a dog breeder:


That website is certainly … something.

Yes, and that’s obviously BAD because infinite growth must be sustained at all costs (e.g. the cost of the entire planet).

Substack is just another platform where the nazis run wild thanks to capitalism or misguided ideas of what free speech is supposed to mean.

Ah, yes, “substantial substance” (for real impact, no less), thanks robo.

I understand your perspective but from a privacy* and cost perspective it would still be favourable for governments, companies and individuals if you run a Linux desktop instead of Windoge even if you only use it to run webapps, I think.

Plus govs / companies would have an incentive to make Linux desktop more secure / user-friendly if they’d use them instead of just giving MS money without having a say in the products.

*not even / only the “there is no malware on Linux” - which is untrue, see the recent xz thing - and would be worse if it got used more but esp from the ad-/spyware build into MS products.

Ah, ok. Thanks for the explanation. Yeah, I think that was one of the reasons given why it didn’t work when other stated / towns tried switching to Linux … I hope in the future governments might be wise enough to demand that the programs are platform independent / (local) web apps but I’m not holding my breath (see public money, public code which still almost noone does).

What’s an app vendor here? Or what does that mean in general? I feel like one of the reasons given on other (failed) attempts to switch to libre software has been that other public places / ministries etc still using MS had incompatibilities with e. g. Munich’s FOSS stack. Though I think this is something you could overcome if you wanted to, it’s not like these problems don’t exist (and probably have solutions) elsewhere. I think FOSS software has come pretty far in the last years, I haven’t booted my Windows partition in months, so I have a tiny bit of hope that they can make it work.

The capitalist part of the Fediverse, that is, obviously.

Also check out https://gpt4all.io/ if you don’t want to use Docker (for some reason).

Yeah, and if they’re up for experimenting they could do that double-sided, so four pages on a sheet. It would probabaly be a hassle to set up, though, no idea how I’d do that …

Oooof, that’s so scary. The problem is obviously that if nothing goes wrong now it’ll confirm his believe that it was no big deal …

I don’t think what you want exists … You could set up Jellyfin with Servarr and whatever that content-request tool is called (… Ombi?). So now you have a media server with multiple users and a way to request/add stuff. I’m unsure if you could somehow store the media on distributed Nextcloud instances or something?

Ok, yeah, but I still think that totally misses the point. At least for me even fully functional AI will still be a desaster and would be used for the most heinous stuff, eroding democracy worldwide even more and it obviously changes nothing of the social-media-silo capitalist hellscape most people live in comfortably (or less comfortably if it gives you eating disorders, depression and stuff).