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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 05, 2023


It fulfills the same need of “something to mark a time of relaxation.” while being much less detrimental to your health. Low temperature vaping and edibles are as low-impact as you can get to your lungs. Additionally, even if you opt for actually “smoking” the flower, you’re only ever taking a few hits (or if you’re like me, on most nights just one!) so it’s exponentially less harmful than cigarette smoking.

If I were you I’d try to switch off to smoking weed instead. Much healthier, no hangovers, no adverse side effects, and so much cheaper! A chronically inflamed liver leads to some bad things, and dying from it is not pretty or gentle

heavy drinking – a term defined as five or more drinks for males, or over four for females, on one occasion at least once per month in the past year.

What the article calls heavy drinking, would have been nothing to me when I was an active alcoholic. Towards the end I’d be drinking anywhere from a pint to a fifth of bourbon a day. I was an active alcoholic for over a decade, running from age 23-33. I’m thankful that I was able to sober up, celebrated 5 years sobriety (from alcohol) a few months ago. Saved my life.