I’m a software engineering developer from Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.

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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 06, 2023


I still use Ada daily for my personal projects after having used it at work. I find it compliments my thinking patterns well. My only gripe with it is that they ate too much of their own dog food at AdaCore and now it can be hard to install Ada and gprbuild (due to a circular dependency). Plus gprc stole libgpr and broke some stuff too.

Yeah, that’s pretty much what I was thinking too. The combination of a c API and a JVM API (and maybe .NET if you’re in Microsoft land?) Hits most FFI available in languages I’ve seen. I can’t think of any language I’ve used that couldn’t Interop with either a c library (.a or .so) or JVM library (.jar). However I’ve never used any .NET system seriously, so I don’t know about them.

FWIW I regularly remake the same API based game whenever I start a new job working in a new environment to test that my environment is “up to snuff” with my development methodologies. I’ve never needed to port more than API.a and API.jar to play around in any language. I’ve ported that system to at least 100 languages over the years, and while some have more friction than others, and often the c/JVM paradigm doesn’t line up well with the target language, it is always effective.

Except for one issue: it’s an even width, so now we have the inevitable attempt to make it off-centered but pointy leading to a leafageddon. Oh well, can’t have everything.

What are factions, and where do you search them? I don’t see anything in the UI?

EDIT: found them under a link under info. Thanks for setting the faction up!

Yeah, when I was picking a scale I intentionally looked for one with minimal AA cause I was worried about that. The 180-wide version was full of it, as was the 99.

FYI: I’m starting with the outline of the left half of the leaf. I have to go to work soon, but hopefully there’ll be enough outline for the rest to be filled in (just mirror it one pixel over).

Maybe here we can draw the leaf without corrupting it. For reference I scaled the wikipedia picture to 100 pixels wide and anchored the 8 corners of the side borders. Hopefully we can make it look good!