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Joined 17d ago
Cake day: Sep 03, 2024


No need to apologize for trying to bash conservatives upon re-reading my intent wasn’t clear

I’m not sure what you’re getting at but for the record I was being sarcastic about the contradictory criticisms of him.

My team isn’t really represented.

He’s a rich Rolex wearing champagne socialist who doesn’t care about the working class secretly but also he needs that money bro so he’s doing everything for the pension

EDIT: nevermind, I realized I don’t care to continue speaking with you

If I had kids I’d rather have drag queens reading to them than to have them exposed to your toxic worldview.

You want to live your life in a tiny little box? Go ahead, but you don’t get to tell anyone else how to live.

Conservatives sure love freedom except when anyone does anything they don’t like. Nobody cares what you think and you’re a dying breed, which makes me grateful

have you had an interaction with a conservative in the last 10 years that doesn’t feel like a troll?

everyone is out to get you but you’re secretly smart and successful. I see why you are conservative

so you’re conservative to oppose the rich and powerful? interesting