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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Oct 01, 2023


This makes me sad.

I would rather see them focus on less crappy, half-baked TV series’ and more on providing quality, unbiased journalism. I acknowledge that they do some good work with their TV productions regarding covering topics unique to Canada or showcasing under-represented communities that don’t often get attention from major studios/production companies (i.e. Little Mosque on the Prairie) but, to me, that just isn’t very important compared to the value they offer for journalism in the national discourse of, well, everything.

And they’re all like shocked Pikachu face when so many workers have taken job action over the last year and a bit. Tax the rich! Create a windfall tax!

No. It’s awful. The only fast-food coffee I find tolerable is McDonalds.

It’s nice to see the Commissioner publicly stick to their morals and what’s right.

Ban them all together! Most are unlicensed businesses running in what are designed to be residences. AirBnb / VRBO have identified a “market opportunity” for more holiday rentals that are purpose built and don’t take away from our very limited supply of homes. Further, jobs at legitimate businesses provide actual employment with employer and social benefits (CPP, EI). Short term rentals are all around bad – for the housing market & workers rights.