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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jun 30, 2023


As a Scrum Master myself this isn’t a question anyone outside of your work flow can answer. I’ve worked at organizations where we expected people to complete 8 points of work per sprint, and some where we expected people to do 30. Additionally, from a pure philosophy stand point, points measure complexity/uncertainty not time needed to complete the task. As such, you should be both reducing the average number of points per feature and increasing your average velocity over time.

OK, semantics aside, here’s some useful advice: jira has free accounts for individuals (check with their licenses before you sell any work) and is obviously built for software development. You can also install addons like Clone Plus that will let you clone epics and the stories within them. I’d recommend making a shell epic that contains the maximum amount of work a project would take, then appropriately size, sequence, and relate all stories to each other. After you have that template epic you can clone it and all the relevant stories underneath, then using Jira dashboards put them in the order they need to be done and use your estimated weekly velocity to see what you can do. Then you’ll have a list of tasks, how many points they total, and a rough timeline of story delivery

Hey man, that’s not cool. Once I finish this round of Fortnite, take a 2 hour lunch, and go afk at 4 I’ll reply to this in 2 or 3 days asking you for an update