Furry artist and streamer 🦝 My site: https://malleyeno.com

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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Aug 07, 2023


The rust compiler holds your hand, wraps you in blankets, makes you hot chocolate, kisses you on the forehead before it gently and politely points out what you did wrong and how you can solve it step-by-step. It would never think of something as heinous as swearing at you, shame on you for insulting my wife’s honour like this.

Mixing tabs and white spaces in 2024 is categorically a you problem lmao

No, still on the restaurants side. Like yes, it was a mistake and they should have presented it earlier, but asking for a burger to be done medium isn’t a common thing here in Canada. They might not have thought about the waiver until then.

Edit: my point here is that this article is presenting the waiver itself as some kind of wrongdoing or indictment about the restaurant’s quality/safety. To me, this seems wrongheaded and the timing of the waiver being brought out seems more like “whoops we forgor” thing than a “desperately covering our ass” thing – since again, medium burgers aren’t really a thing here.

I’m not going to fault the hotel for trying their best to please customer requests and the customer being Pikachu shock faced when he’s asked to not sue the restaurant for accommodating his McDeath Burger extra value meal.

I might be already exposing myself as an emacs user, but I think Lisp naming convention is pretty reasonable. I use it in other languages as far as their language rules allow me

  • if a variable or function is a predicate (as in if it tests if something is true or not), append p or _p/-p

  • variables and functions both have lisp case variable-name-here. Sub for _ in languages that dont allow - in names

  • unused or unexposed variables are prefixed _ .

  • top level packages get naming rights. So if I’m making cool-package then variables or functions that are specific to it are cool-package-variable (especially if it is exposed to other packages). cool-package/variable is also good if allowed.

  • otherwise, separate namespaces with /. So there’s main-function and my/main-function. If / is reserved, then I assume the language has a way of segmenting namespaces already and just default to that since _ or - would get ambiguous here.

See the rest here: https://github.com/bbatsov/emacs-lisp-style-guide