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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 17, 2023


I can confirm I have already some experience with the fact of VPN usage being flagged as a high change of automated traffic (except it was TOR, which is pretty much identical in this context).

Discord put me a wealth of captcha, Wikipedia refused edition of pages (even with my account. Which IMO looks like an oversight). And many pages just had captchas even when not trying to log-in.

I’ll have to thanks Lumen contributors (Google first). I’m not worried about Google de-indexing them, but I’m,more worried about others (I have experienced lacking result on DuckDuckGo (and Bing, that they use) over what I can only assume is wrongfull (and non-transparent) DMCA (first with ListenBrainz).

I’ve switched to Brave. Work better.

Well, I’m not that pessimist, at least not on those 2 points. I hardly see how CSP would prevent addon to do their stuff, as CSP is protection against cross site attacks, and extension aren’t sites (thought I actually remember having an issue like that once making an extension, but correcting the extensio’s permissions solved it).

And DRMs only apply on the video stream. It won’t protect the webpage or the javascript. Plus there are content on youtube that they are contractually required to not put behind DRMs.

What I’m worried youtube will do is simply that their server will refuse to send the video until a certain time after the user load the page, thid time corresponding to a bit less than the time the user would wait by playing ads.

It won’t force the user to watch ads. But it’ll deincensitive it by a certain amount.

I often use Tribler for torrents. It’s a TOR-like system specialized into torrent, and does work well with any torrents. (I’ll put a warning that the system might not be totally safe against targetted attack, but it should be against standard complaint to ISP)

If said content contain books (or maybe others pdf/epubs/docx), I would recommend uploading to one of the website that will eventually be mirrored by Anna’s Archive. (see https://annas-archive.org/datasets)

ISP can’t block it easily if it’s on I2P, something akin to TOR but also kinda different. Thought going against the hoster is totally possible if not anonymous (and there actually are already piracy (torrent over I2P) website on that network)

That’s actually a pretty good idea, thought It have some defect, in particular, each ActivityPub server have a limited view of the whole network. While it is usefull for avoiding abuse, it also have the downside that you can’t search for the whole thing that’s published on a platform.

But that could be solved with what is called backfilling (that Matrix does incredibly well). Sepia search (for Peertube) also does this.

Mixing ActivityPub with backfilling would be a really good idea. You can share metadata of ressources, have multiple instance, admin could block abusive website, and searching the whole site would be possible.

Maybe I’ll go study what already exist on this side.

(as an aside, Tribler does something similar to that, but only for Torrent and P2P)

So… At the end lf the article, it also mention non-recheargeable battery used in devices. But where? (watch, maybe?). All of those I know are the easiliy repleaceable ones which can also be switched with recheargeable one’s.

(Actually, if Wikipedia is to trust and up to date. Those so called primary battery indeed have an important market share)

Well… I can cite a few laws. First, the part that protect DRM, second, the law that require search engines to make contract to quote article, third, the interest in policing private communication, and last, a project that isn’t really advanced to infringe net neutrality.

I doubt a US citizen will be shocked about them. But they are likely to dislike them.

(but I tend to see the greener side of “for 1 bad things, 2 good things come next”)

Matrix, what seems to be the most ovious replacement to Discord, is an incredible piece of software from a technical point of view. It have Conflict-free Replicated Datatype, which give an hard guarantee that no message will be skipped over and old message will also be fetched. Something that ActivityPub doesn’t permit, and is quite a problem with Mastodon at times (much less on lemmy, given you follow communities, and so everything on these communities will be synced, thought not backfilling)