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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 15, 2023


I think windows is a pretty good middle ground. Yes it’s annoying that you might need to install a 3rd party tool to give you a right click menu option to take ownership of any file/folder, but at least you can do that and it’s easy. And for normies that don’t have Linux-fu they’ll get into a lot less trouble than if you give them Linux.

MacOS on the other hand, if there’s something Apple decided users are too dumb to be allowed to do (which it turns out, is a lot of stuff), then you just can’t do it, period.

Eh? On Linux you also aren’t supposed to log in as root, and you also have to individually set file permissions.

This issue is unrelated to windows, it’s a safety feature that all modern desktop OSes have

The reasons why almost nobody has heard of them don’t matter, the point is that nobody has heard of them - meaning they have no fame to steal or popularity to piggy back off of

120 stars… not exactly a common household name. Meanwhile zed the editor has 12k stars, gaining or losing 120 wouldn’t even register. Your comment is delusional