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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 23, 2023


I’m not great with gdb but I think using the x cmd shows them.

Your result is correct, is just not displaying the leading zeros.

The problem is that if you send a message just blindly, you can be tricked into sending spam to millions of addresses. I do one thing that prevents that, but does violate the standard, I verify there’s only 1 ‘@’ in the address… this technically prevents people with '@'s in their name, but they probably find it impossible to do anything with that address anyway.

Another benefit from working from home: I will happily spend my own money on a good chair, keyboard, etc. I spent 20 years working in an office and there’s no way I would’ve ever brought in my own chair during that time… I would’ve had to become the chair police to prevent it from getting “reappropriated”

Interesting. A year ago I was looking for something exactly like this for distributing data between multiple servers. Everything required a ton of overhead or was too big to use. I ended up just using json. I did discover that Brotli can compress 3 gigs of json down into just 70 megs nearly instantly.

One of our data providers gives us hundred megabyte json files. Whenever there is a problem with the data they request examples, jq is invaluable in those instances.

A decade ago I reverse engineered the Macventure game engine, allowing you to play Shadowgate and Deja Vu etc on modern oses. The current copyright holder then paid me to iron out the rough edges and create the official ports currently on steam.

Very cool. I wonder how portable the theory behind it is. That’s one problem with the m1 macs, gdb doesn’t support them.

I thought it was well known that the studies about Dvorak being superior were fabricated by Dvorak himself… but apparently that’s forgotten knowledge.

Here’s a magazine article about it:

I suppose… but when you have frameworks like Angular that update every 6 months, even the best efforts for backwards compatibility fall by the wayside.

Focus more on stability in terms of apis. We can’t be rewriting our apps constantly because they keep updating frameworks every year.

C. I’ve been programming for over 30 years and it’s the only language to survive. Imagine if I was asked this question 30 years ago and picked perl or Pascal, I’d be screwed today.

I spent 20 years working for my local newspaper. It was a ton of fun and I constantly got to do new things. I did everything from making a palm pilot game to accompany our coverage of the Sydney Olympics, to an Apache module for a custom cms to iPhone and Android apps.

Now I can’t say that working for a news company is a good idea in 2023, but the point is there’s probably a company local to you that needs a wide variety of programming and isn’t a “tech giant”.

Typing in basic listings from magazines was pretty much the only way to get software.

It’s funny because, I’m probably the minority, but I strongly prefer JetBrains IDEs.

So does anyone who was forced to use eclipse.

I’m off two minds. On the one side, there is far too much reliance on black box libraries to do trivial things.

On the other, this complaint is decades old. Back in the late 80s there was a software developer for the apple iigs called FTA, which stood for Free Tools Association. They claimed that the tools in the os were too slow and you should code to the raw hardware.

if I take my c code and add a cpp extension it works

and I pointed out that it doesn’t if your C code has a variable called “class”.

Really? Name one open source project MS extinguished.

Your own example fails because “class” is a valid variable name in c but not cpp.

The issue with JWTs is that there is no way to revoke them.

Except you can have a nonce in the JWT that corresponds to a field on the server… which is revokable.

He shouldn’t be. Elon doesn’t give massive payouts. If he really wanted that domain, he’d trademark it and sue the owner for it.

Same. Our whole team switched to gitlab. The whole point of git is that it’s distributed. We could host it ourselves over ssh if gitlab became a problem.

Maybe read the article and not look like an idiot. All they did was move the certificates into a signed package that is updated through Google Play. They can revoke certs even faster now because it doesn’t require a system update.

I know John Carmack got his kids an Apple II and taught them BASIC.

Here’s something weird. I haven’t written a ruby program in 15 years, but I still use irb as my calculator.

I prefer a desktop. Don’t have to worry about swelling batteries from being plugged in all day… plus they’re cheaper so I get new computers far more often than my coworkers who get laptops.

True… although using brew to upgrade bash is far from straightforward. Plus you can’t run gdb on a m1 mac.

Nah these days with wsl, I prefer windows over Mac. At least you get packages that have been updated in the past decade.

Rust is the only language I know of that is actively being used at the kernel level all the way through to the web app level. Compare that with Swift which is not only mostly tied to a single ecosystem, but even the “cross platform” stuff like libdispatch is littered with code like:

if #available(macOS 10.12, iOS 10.0, tvOS 10.0, watchOS 3.0, *)

My problem with C/C++ is the people behind the spec have sacrificed our sanity in the name of “compiler optimization”. Signed overflow behaves the same on every cpu on the planet, why is it undefined behaviour? Even more insane, they specify intN_t must be implemented via 2s complement… but signed overflow is still undefined because compilers want to pretend they run on pixie dust instead of real hardware.

I spent about 10 of those in roles where my primary function was to write code. The other 10 have involved managing programmers, coaching them, consulting with organizations about how to manage them, running a codebase assessment practice and these days, well, actually content marketing.

Therein lies the biggest lie in development. There is no career path. I’ve been programming professionally for 25 years, and in all 25 of those years my primary function was to write code, because I turned down any promotion that would put me in management and away from doing what I love.

I have hooks that reformat on write, so I use :w constantly. So :wq is easier.

Even worse. Auto generated comments just copy the how and not the why. If the code has a bug so does the comment… and if you fix the bug but not the comment somebody else might change the code back to match the comment.

I remember the 90s when both mac and windows crashed on a daily basis. When was the last time you saw a legitimate BSOD that didn’t involve hardware failure? When was the last time you had to reset the PRAM on your mac just to get it to boot?

One of my oldest programming books is all about using machine language to program.

At the time, even assemblers cost money. I remember saving up for Merlin which is an assembler for the Apple II.

My favorite test for ChatGPT is to ask it to write a function to divide two numbers in 6502 assembly. Not only is there no DIV instruction to rely on, but the 6502 is very register starved, so you get a lot of screwups. Here’s one example of what ChatGPT generated:

; Inputs:
; - A: dividend
; - X: divisor

    LDX #0       ; initialize quotient to 0
    CPX #0       ; check for divide-by-zero error
    CLC          ; clear carry flag
    CMP X,A      ; compare divisor with dividend
    BCC DIV_DONE ; if divisor is greater, division is complete
    SEC          ; set carry flag
    ROL A        ; shift dividend left
    INX          ; increment quotient
    JMP DIV_LOOP ; continue division
    RTS          ; return from subroutine
    ; handle divide-by-zero error here

You can see it immediately overwrites the divisor with the quotient, so this thing will always give a divide by zero error. But even if it didn’t do that, CMP X,A is an invalid instruction. But even if that wasn’t invalid, multiplying the dividend by two (and adding one) is nonsense.