• 2 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 29, 2023


I only got quite simple tests tbf, but I don’t look for senior positions. Main thing is to just get the problem solved writing decent code (if it’s a home assignment) or to walk them through your reasonings

The only time I got a leetcode waste of time it was a Dijsktra/A* problem (which I failed)

I liked using CLion for both Rust and C++, now I see they outright deprecated the Rust plugin

Left is clearly more readable, after you read comments. I think the example is bad though, and in most cases right would be clearer

Yeah, probably. In the end maybe I will end up using c++ cause a coworker is pushing for it (although he knows nothing of the language). Ironically, I’m the one advising not to cause I know I don’t know lol

The project is brand new (as in, the integration backend doesn’t exist), I have to code and architecture it

There is no codebase, I have to write it from scratch. Also nope, I’ve religiously avoided Java so far

Tell me you know I’m from an Italian company telling me I work for an Italian company

thrown into a backend project as a backend dev with a language I don’t know, how fucked am I?
The title itself is a recipe for disaster. Also this is a semi rant. Yesterday I was informed that I will have the **honour** to implement the core functionality - which is an interface layer to use the driver of a very expensive hardware shit - of the software I’ve been working on as a frontend dev. There are two possibilities for the language: C++ or C#. The one that was proposed/imposed is C#, which I know _nothing_ of, while at least I have some hobbyist experience with C++; when asked if I could take some time to familiarise myself with C# I was basically laughed in the face, saying I will learn on the field and at least some of them have some experience with it. Should I insist to go with C++, or is that an even worse idea in an already fucked up situation?

Yeah but knowing why something was made in that way would greatly help. The problem here is, the design is unreliable (just today we found an error in the design which changed an INSERT to a simple SELECT) so if we knew why certain things were made that way it would make our job much easier (in the end we have to ask if something weird was meant that way or it’s a design error)

I think you misunderstood, I’m the one implementing the API and writing the queries - alongside a coworker that doesn’t have BE experience. I’m not the one who made the DB though, neither is he, and the design is not very reliable

EDIT: writing it out, I swear, makes no sense at all

Oh I’m not the one who designed the DB, I just implement the endpoints and stuff for this particular project (my role is that of a FE dev).

I asked cause:

  • they were saying that between me and my coworker, who actively work on the project, and the DB designer, the communication is poor. Which is obviously true since we were handed out the DB with an oral, confused, explanation for a complex DB so we have to ask a lot of questions or ask for very small fixes (sometimes a column is missing etc, nothing that important though);
  • they didn’t foresee how interconnected the part 1 and part 2 were. Let me explain how stupid this is: the data from part 1 are mostly read only, which are provided from part2. We knew about this from day one, but it was never added to the visual design [which to this day is still in the making, so it’s incomplete]… and neither to the DB.
  • when they actually went to work on part 2 - months later we had the green light to work on the project - they had this sudden realisation: the data are interconnected, we have to rework part 1! (which would have been completely avoidable)

The DB is already made, but they had to change it cause they didn’t plan a huge portion of its logic beforehand even though they knew about it. This resulted in major changes across the whole schema, while we were already working on implementing the various features

The DB is already made, but they had to change it cause they didn’t plan a huge portion of its logic beforehand even though they knew about it: this resulted in major changes across the whole schema

The DB is already made, but they had to change it cause they didn’t plan a huge portion of its logic beforehand even though they knew about it: this resulted in major changes across the whole schema

I’m not the one who designed the DB; it’s not a simple DB or project though. The problem is, they “”“found out”“” they had forgotten to implement a very important part and they had to heavily change some parts we had already built upon

Is it normal to design a database without writing an analysts first but basing it on the design?
The other day I asked for an analysis or at least an UML diagram since we are having quite some troubles and my boss looked disgusted at me for asking such a question. I’m not a professional backend developer, so I don’t know how it works professionally

just yesterday I had to drop a lot of his commits cause they broke some core functionality lol

Last point is SO painful… I have a coworker that writes so much shitty code OR it straight up doesn’t work… he once submitted a PR that didn’t work when used! Like, I just started the thing and it was utterly broken - both the implementation and the design.

More so, some of his PRs are a giant nightmare of over engineered crap that he, at some point, doesn’t even understand.

Worst of all, he gets angry at me for pointing out that either they don’t work or they are a shitty, complex, mess

Honestly, at some point I started approving his PR and calling it a day; oh we don’t have tests cause reasons, I tried to use TS too but since my boss finds it too complicated we are not using it again for new projects… funny

according to one user

Which does not make a static nor proof, more so since Ubisoft said they will delete just empty accounts

Which is still less worse than people getting outraged over headlines instead of reading the articles

Why are people getting outraged for empty accounts (with no games ever) getting deleted

It may do more harm than good, it spits plausible answers that are either completely or subtly wrong (latter is worse obviously) and it’s not easy to discern how good an answer actually is