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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Aug 27, 2023


In a public information package, the town stated that it received a petition on July 26 that called for crosswalks to only be painted in the standard white striped pattern between two parallel lines; that there should be no decorations on municipal crosswalks or displaying of flags supporting political, social, or religious movements or commercial entities; only national, provincial, and municipal flags should be flown at municipal facilities or flagpoles; and that there would be no grandfathering of existing crosswalks or flags that contravene the bylaw.

When I started listening to the band Korpiklaani back in 2008 I could only find their newest album for sale. I ended up pirating everything else. I have since purchased all of their albums directly from them.

My uneducated guess would be to train them more and with better training.

Make it so i can easily, affordably, reliably watch your content and it will not need to be pirated. No? Yoho.

I lost my first born to suicide 10 years ago. It was their 6th known attempt in 7 months. We were doing everything we could to help them. The only thing i would have done differently is been there to hold their hand and say goodbye. We knew it was going to happen, it was a matter of how and when.

There are three in my town of <9,000 people. One benefits the homeless shelter, one helps fund things for people living in the old folks home, and the other is for disabled veterans. I know the employees make money (one of them is 100% volunteers) but no one is getting rich from them.