Ce să vă zic, mă, bine ați venit? bine ați venit, rău ați nimerit. La locu’ ăsta îi zice șerpărie, de la șerpii care umblă pe-aicea. Dracu’ știe cum au ajuns…

  • 48 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 18, 2023

Elderly Romanian woman used amber nugget worth over $1 million as a doorstop for decades

@Flatworm7591 I heard about libgen and sci-hub from my uni professors. Before that, I never knew anything about them.

@Powderhorn These have been the norm in my country already for quite a while FWIW, haven’t tested if they change these prices often or not however.

Frontline report: Russia initiates POW exchange talks after Ukraine captures 2,000+ Russian soldiers in Kursk Oblast
[euromaidanpress.com/2024/08/19…](https://euromaidanpress.com/2024/08/19/frontline-report-russia-initiates-pow-exchange-talks-after-ukraine-captures-2000-russian-soldiers-in-kursk-oblast/) Apparently it takes 2000 at minimum for them to give a damn.

@clark Ugh. You could probably get away with multiple cloud storage services then, and mapping their folders to the music player of your choice. Also, use file types that are generally smaller in size for storing music (like opus or ogg). For cloud services, use the ones whose apps support Storage Access Framework so they can appear in the default Android File Manager / File Picker thing (you can also use something like Round Sync to access them all, and it does all the job for you). If you’re willing to pay for cloud storage, then one single provider with 100-200 GB can also be more than enough for your music needs if you own more than just a few songs.

Then you can add the folders in your music player settings.

Edit: Don’t forget to also backup your music somewhere in case something happens with your phone or your cloud provider(s)

@clark@midwest.social wrote:

Where should I store the music?

I just store it in the music folder of every device I own. I have a 1 TB hard drive on my PC and my phone has 128 GB of internal storage, with an SD card slot.

I haven’t any clue about self-hosting. I’m running GrapheneOS, is it enough to save the songs in Files and play in an app like Auxio? Maybe sync with SyncThing?

Yes. Any music player will generally prompt you to scan for your files upon first opening.

Edit: didn’t notice your first question. Well, I just get them from everywhere, lol. If you have a tracker that you use for anything, be sure that there will be some music there. If you cannot find it, then just refer to the FMHY’s list of various tools to download music from just about anywhere: Spotify, YouTube, SoundCloud you name it. I also buy music from Bandcamp as it supports downloading it directly for an unlimited amount of times and in any of the most popular formats, or just go to the band’s concert and buy their album directly. This way you’re also supporting the artists directly with your money (if you care about it).

@0x815 as the saying goes in my country: The bowed head - the sword won’t cut it.

@princessnorah Romanian here. We’re generally not using VPNs because ISPs do not seem to care that much. Even so, there is a popular private tracker (I won’t advertise it here) which has pretty much all you need, especially movies and popular software. If you use that one, you can be 100% sure nothing will happen to you.

Edit: we also have non-permanent IP addresses by default, so if anything, I can just restart my router, and I am assigned a new one.


@0x815 as a fun fact (probably losely related to this but anyway), this is the modern version of what the (former) Kingdom of Hungary did in medieval times with the Szekely and the German speaking minorities in Transylvania (in today’s counties of Covasna and Harghita) - only that they also recruited these people into the army.

Fast forward to today, this is why we have a substantial minority of Hungarians in the geographical middle of the country.

@Midnitte Trump seems to be the leader that would have literally secured Molotov-Ribbentrop and told France & The UK to stay out or pay for their defense or whatever.


@alyaza That will be a lot of useless personal data that their government already has, since everyone can be an influencer of some sort.

@tardigrada It sure was a successful campaign after all that goalpost moving that Putler did ever since the invasion began.

@rosethornRangerTTV I understand that some buses and other form of transport do not come on time, but on the other hand, one myst acknowledge that everything has a schedule and a time. You can’t force a train not to leave the station just because you didn’t show up on time (I mean, in my country many trains are leaving late anyways, but that’s not the point). You’ll just be delaying other people too.

I tend to be a late person as well, but whenever I have the possibility I either:
a. Put stuff in my calendar, with a notification prior to the event, so that I know when to get ready.
b. Run and/or rush. Literally. I know it isn’t a possibility for many, and it might be dangerous for me (I do my best not to hit into other people when I do and I can dodge really well), but if you hurry up you’ll never be late more than a few minutes, maximum 20. Happens to me every time. If you can’t run, try going at a faster pace.
c. If I see there is a high chance I am not getting there in time, I announce my lateness to the person I meet with so that they won’t be too upset.

I know getting on time can be hard sometimes, but it is a thing up to every single individual to sort out. You sometimes do not have the luxury of getting late somewhere and calling them ableist (even if they might be) might not help you out.

‘I put myself in this trap’ In his own words, one gay Russian official describes working for a government that doesn’t believe he should exist

@CasualTee I think both models (i.e. allowlist/blocklist) have their own perks and drawbacks and are all necessary for a healthy and enjoyable internet.

The reason why this is the way it is, I think, is that most of us are both in a minority and a majority at the same time. Take for example me: I am a cis white Romanian, just like the majority of the people in my country. I do however tend to hold some more progressive views, which puts me in a smaller group (e.g. I do think that LGBTQIA+ folks should be allowed to marry each other and adopt children). I do support Ukraine and hope it wins the war, which is what most people do, and I also believe climate change is real, and that it affects our daily lives (you might find that surprisingly maybe that I call myself having a majority view like this, but most people like me are old enough to remember the snowy winters pre-2015). Yet I am totally decided to spend as much of my life possible without owning a car, and trying to do all sorts of things to be more eco-friendly. I am also an atheist, which, it seems, is not so much of a majority view, as most of the people declare themselves Orthodox (and many more are believers in a different religion - Muslims, Greek/Roman Catholics, Judaists etc.) - and the list goes on and on.

I am sure many of you find yourselves in a similar position, and again, that’s okay. You don’t have to fight against the wind if you don’t have a reason to.

What the Fediverse tried, however, was to take the control of social media from the hands of the few, and put it in the hands of the many - and it is partly succeeding - it’s just a much better way of managing the online social interactions, free of any censorship that would go against our views (and Beehaw is no exception, congrats, team! 😁).

Now that people are fleeing to the Fediverse, we’re just gathering our tribe - and this is a natural phenomenon. You’ll never talk and interact with anybody on this planet during your life, not even in your country or even your city if it’s large enough. But you might have friends that have friends that talk to certain people or others, and so on. You might also agree to communicate with any of these people at some point, or maybe the way they view things is just too different from yours that you might choose not to see these people ever again.

Even back on Facebook I found some people that I was (and still am to this day) dead sure that they outright blocked me, even without doing anything bad. And I also blocked others myself.

So yeah, the Fediverse is more representative of life as a whole. And that’s a great thing.

Not on Lemmy nor on Mastodon, if I trust the recent communications around moderation and instance blocking.

GoToSocial, to my knowledge, does have an allowlist mode btw.

And Hubzilla uses a different protocol, that allows for Nomadic Identity. Not sure if this will have any type of impact on moderation, however.


([Where I first found this](https://www.facebook.com/100053570550513/posts/pfbid0NSsLc2vg4WEEQPgeeKMecc4nAryiL6p5y9ij5Vxx8c2f2SJHuyEx6M1UGiCt1RTNl/)) ![Image/Photo](https://cdn8.openculture.com/2023/07/24205918/tometaping.jpg)

Russians destroy unique mosaic panel at Mariupol railway station – photos

The crazy part is, this has all been doable basically since around 2 months after the boom in ~April of '21 (or maybe '22 the years have really muddled me)

I know, this possibility has got me worried ever since then. And these things will get harder and harder to spot as the technology moves forward.

I think even if it were banned it wouldn’t matter, since there’s probably a high chance it’s not even entirely done in the U.S.

Of course. The technology is out there in the wild, and everyone willing to use it for their purpose will do just that, whether for good or bad. Imo I think this is a highly complex issue with no easy solution.

MD5 checksum

This is pretty much useless on everything uploaded to Facebook, Instagram or other mainstream social media platforms.

Donald Trump Jr. attacks Harris as “even more liberal (sic) and less competent” than Biden […] “Kamala Harris owns the entire leftwing policy record of Joe Biden. The only difference is that she is even more liberal and less competent than Joe, which is really saying something.”

The only thing that’s saying is that the old man now seems even more scared of any potential countercandidate.

If I was Dems rn, whether it would be Kamala or not, I would just leave the GOP boil for a little (only a little), bring a bit of uncertainty to the table, and then announce the candidate. Not too much, as it would make them seem weak, but just enough to let the GOP consume themselves. That would be quite a move.

Whatever the outcome will be, I am sure the campaign will become hotter. I think the Dems will bring someone with a more radical speech than Trump, and they better do - Trump has shown what he can do during his 2016 campaign.

And the age is not doing a service to Trump either.

This is 2024 Russia. Actual reporting counts as espionage, while propaganda reporting is considered fine journalism

@ModernRisk Not really Mastodon, but I’m on Friendica and I receive posts and comments from db0 just fine.

You can also follow communities from here just like you’d follow a normal person (e.g. @communityusernamebellowthetitle@instance.domain. For this it would be piracy@lemmy.dbzer0.com)

Wendy’s expands into Ireland and Romania amid European growth

You are seeing states do those things, and presuming (I’m guessing based on where you live) that those actions are therefore the actions of states. They’re not, they’re the actions of a community.

They’re clearly state actions where I live, the organizations they do are politically represented, they get funds from the state budget, they function according to politically voted legislation etc.

The same politicians that vote for them can also reallocate parts of the budget to and from the military, the police force or any other fields.

We do have private initiatives as well, supported directly by the community with money, who govern themselves, who are responsible for every penny they spend, but they’re different from the state controlled entities. The legislators generally do not vote dedicated legislation for them, but for the category they fall into (e.g. non-government organization for that matter). You rarely see legislators adopting laws for one specific private entity, if ever when it comes to smaller such entities.

Are you under the impression that the only alternative to “Modern Western State Governments” is “individuals work[ing] by themselves”?

Anything that involves private initiative is individuals working for themselves. If it’s not voted by the elected officials, paid from taxpayer money, it’s called private initiative - so there is an individual/some individuals deciding the finance and governance and other sensitive issues of the organization themselves.

I hate to break it to you, but states are just very large armed groups, the legitimacy of which is entirely determined by their strength of arms. […] Israel is a “legitimate” government because they have enough guns (and enough friends with guns) to force others to acknowledge them as such.

That is the way the international system works, of course. But on the other hand, this legitimacy they are provided allows them to worry less about their security and spend their money on the actual social services needed for a state to function. There are, of course, rogue states (yes, you can safely call them that way as well), that choose to terrorize their people instead. But politically motivated violence, whichever side it is coming from, in a country that calls itself the leader of the free and democratic world, does not help in making them less likely to do so. Quite the contrary.

@t3rmit3 So political violence is justifiable when democracy is at risk, right. What happens if the side abolishing democracy decides that political violence can be justified for them too? How can you save democracy this way? We legitimate political violence in order to justify democracy? Will it still be a democracy if the elected candidate can be gunned down legitimately? What about if the candidate has the biggest chance of winning?

And also, how can you justify democracy as the better option in front of non-democratic states that are also making use of political violence to repress their opponents? Don’t you think these countries would be more determined in their suppressions when they see that the good guys are also doing it?

And last, but not least, does that freedom to self-determine as a group also involve becoming politically violent against your opponent? To which extent is this still a democracy and not a fight for power by all means?

It’s true that those very people condemning the shooting are specifically those that are growing an unsafe environment, a climate of exclusion against minorities of any kind and people who do not agree with them. But on the other hand, any act of political violence, especially against a running candidate, is a threat against democracy itself.

In a democratic system, the election system has this very purpose of preventing violence of one pretender against the other, by forcing them to peacefully convince as many people as possible instead of turning anything into a bloody battle for power, like it was in Europe in the 1700s for example when one monarch died. Thus, it could even prevent a situation where a bunch of these pretenders could attract as many followers and/or buy as much weaponry needed to start a civil war - and bring the state itself in conflict in the process. The elections are the best way of insuring a peaceful transition of power, one that would not affect the regular folk, the business environment, the economy, basically anyone who doesn’t want to involve themselves into politics to such an extent that it would affect them personally.

Once you turn to murdering candidates/politicians, no matter how white the candidate is, how poor the candidate is, what gender they are, their profession, anything, you are committing political violence. And once you are committing political violence, you strain away from democracy, and you’re incentivizing a return to a system where the power should be won by force instead of by belief.

And the amount of blood one leader has on their hands from killing civilians, bombing countries etc. would not be lower in such a system, but instead it would add up with the blood of probably other innocent civilians from their homeland whose only mistake was their political affiliations.

Would you prefer to go to fight in order to support your candidate instead of going to the ballots and placing a stamp on a piece of paper? I’m sure most of you would not.

@delirious_owl not really private, but rather a music festival. It’s a large gathering so the police and the ambulances are on duty to make sure everything is going alright.

Wiz Khalifa has been arrested in Romania for smoking a joint live on stage
[www-libertatea-ro.translate.go…](https://www-libertatea-ro.translate.goog/stiri/wiz-khalifa-ridicat-de-politie-dupa-ce-a-fumat-un-joint-marijuana-la-beach-please-4957128?_x_tr_sl=ro&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=ro&_x_tr_pto=wapp) Here is the video of the arrest if you're blocking TikTok: [files.catbox.moe/v6i8m8.mp4](https://files.catbox.moe/v6i8m8.mp4) Notice how many gendarmes (military police) officers are escorting him. **For one joint!**

@Protoman64 Kbin has a separate interface for microblogging and groups, that’s why it’s not that obvious. For Lemmy, well, there’s no type of blogging to begin with.

Friendica really shines in this regard, as it has the ability to interact with both groups and regular people in the same feed, while the posts are also clearly marked as such. 😁


I think this means allowing the listing of third party app stores inside the Google Play Store - so you could search for F-Droid in Google Play for example instead of downloading and installing the .apk manually.

I have an important announcement to make!
Sorry if I disturb your regular schedule, I just want to remind you if you're an European citizen like me to go out there and vote for your representative in the European Parliament. If you're Romanian as well, like me, go out there and vote in the local elections as well so we can kick those comassed corrupt assholes in the but. They can't steal as much as we can vote! Muie PSD! Muie PNL! Muie AUR! Muie SOS!

I know this whole thing is tiring and frustrating. I just explained how things look like in this side of the world, where in the current young(er) democratic regimes people are still nostalgic over the older despotic regimes where the economy was flourishing (spoiler: it was not) and basic human rights were systematically violated by the state.

I respect your opinion, and if there are any elections where you live, I urge you to go out and vote for the best option you may find. Be on the lookout for what every political force is saying/doing, corroborate all the information as good as you can, compare them, and choose the person you find less likely to turn your country into something like I described above.

Democracy is, after all, the power of the people, and if any politician/party is threatening to take away this power - or even erode it - then that one is not fit for any seat that is running for.

Power is what they are fighting for and they are getting it.

Indeed, they are fighting for power, that’s what every political force does. But what I was referring to was the way they do it - they put excessive emphasis on “traditional values” in their campaigns (whichever those might be). They picture an idilic image of these and sell to the public, so they can get the votes, while in reality, the stuff these mean is completely different. And it is not just the “traditional values” - history also plays a part in this.

In my country, the AUR party makes heavy use of medieval rulers like Vlad the Impaler (yes, that one that is known in the Western pop culture as count Dracula) to stirr nostalgia for a past most people don’t know. Or their Facebook pages post lots of ex-communist propaganda (messages like “before 1989 we were masters on our own lands, now we’re slaves to the foreigners” or “we had an industry back then, we had factories, we were producing our own stuff, now we sold everything and we no longer have shit” etc.).

They are basically romanticising the past in order to get to power, and maybe blur the line between the democratic institutions afterward - just like in Russia, but also in Hungary or even Poland.

I mean, those are the traditional values they are fighting for - a traditional family made up of only one man and one woman, where one of them (usually the former) is aggressive with the other as a normal way of life.

This is also what the Putler-backed far right parties in Europe stand for.

Is that a job posting about AI written by ChatGPT?

Oh, god, it’s even worse than I thought. I hope these minorities will survive with time.

@Ilandar you’re right, I didn’t think about this. However I might add that there are still programs that do not function well even under Wine. For example, the latest version of Office is always problematic to set up.

@0x815 there is no genocide in China. Everything is done purely on economic/social/whatever other bullshit reasons they may come up with. Some of these people may die, and their culture might get lost in the process, but that’s a risk they’re willing to take.

Romanian pretzel and viennoiserie chain LUCA opens store in Warsaw

@Ilandar this is a good solution . Another would be to just not jump ship head first, but rather replace everything wth FOSS alternatives instead if they’re not available on Linux (e.g.: replace MS Office with LibreOffice, Photoshop with GIMP or something else, etc.) and use them for a while. Most of the programs should also be available for Windows, and if not you could also use WSL to run them.

Once you get used to these programs, the actual Linux transition should be easier.


Didn’t they do that before with the Windows 10 timeline, which they later axed it off?

@funn Online content is, sadly, more vulnerable than we think. All it takes is one server to go down, and the entire website/thing goes bust.

Can somebody explain me how OPML works for RSS? Are these files usually imported into the RSS reader apps or are they used where they are? If I import multiple OPML files with multiple feeds, will the feeds from the first OPML be overwritten by those in the second one or will they add up? Will article read/unread status be synced to multiple devices if I use the same OPML file or not?

Wirecard fugitive helped run Russian spy operations across Europe
[archive.ph/TrCZF](https://archive.ph/TrCZF) (Or, if you'd like to read the original article instead, [here it is](https://www.ft.com/content/c3b50060-aa53-40fd-a698-579e8e1ae67d))

Draft legislation proposes the creation of a legal framework for protecting Romanian citizens living outside the borders, including militarily

Romanian president’s NATO candidacy not backed by the US or Baltic states

Report: Democracy in Romania becomes form without substance/ Justice sacrifices its independence to serve the interests of political actors and power Institutions / The PSD-PNL Coalition Is united by
Edit - G4Media usually has long titles, so here's the full one: **Report: Democracy in Romania becomes form without substance/ Justice sacrifices its independence to serve the interests of political actors and power Institutions / The PSD-PNL Coalition Is united by the desire to control public resources** [g4media.ro/report-democracy-in…](https://www.g4media.ro/report-democracy-in-romania-becomes-form-without-substance-justice-sacrifices-its-independence-to-serve-the-interests-of-political-actors-and-power-institutions-the-psd-pnl-coalition-is-united-by.html)

Romanian President Klaus Iohannis, who is also a candidate to be the next Secretary General of NATO, is building a €9M. mansion for himself, using public funds

The power struggle behind the scenes in the Romanian Orthodox Church: Teodosie aims for Metropolitan status to boost his Patriarchal aspirations

Romanian farmers, hauliers ramp up protests, block Ukraine border access

These are the most liveable cities in Europe
I'm really proud of my city for reaching the top. Next year there will be a fresh round of elections. Fingers crossed for the current mayor to get another term. [economist.com/graphic-detail/2…](https://www.economist.com/graphic-detail/2023/07/25/these-are-the-most-liveable-cities-in-europe)

Mary Poppins actress Glynis Johns dies aged 100

Ex-Romanian Minister of Finance, Anca Dragu, proposed to be the new governor of Moldova’s National Bank

Romanian Presidential Administration Refuses to Disclose Costs of Iohannis’ Africa Tour, Citing Classified Information

Epic Games wins major court battle against Google

Donald Tusk elected as Polish prime minister

Teens Are Online ‘Almost Constantly,’ Usually on These Apps

(Romanian) Ex-PM Florin Cîțu heard at the DNA in the Vaccine Case: I Complied with the Legislation In Force

Three dead as first heavy snowfall and blizzards of winter hit eastern Europe

Finnish government reportedly planning to fully close border with Russia

Russian Airlines Invited to Launch Flights to North Korea – Reports

Anti-Mobilization Protests By Russian Soldiers’ Wives and Mothers Quashed

Romanian SMR Nuclear Plant Project with NuScale Technology Moves Forward Despite US Setback

President Iohannis Embarks on African Tour Amid Controversies of Secrecy on His Costly Flights

[![Image/photo](https://i.postimg.cc/brjQG3vW/Captur-de-ecran-2023-10-17-21-45-41.png)](https://postimages.org/) [\#Filelist](https://libranet.de/search?tag=Filelist) CC:[@piracy](https://lemmy.dbzer0.com/c/piracy)

Romania seeking to postpone shutdown of lignite power plants

Polish opposition braces for coalition talks after ruling party loses majority

Greenpeace activists scale tower of Bulgarian coal-fired plant, demanding its closure

AUR wants referendums on family and cash payments
n.r.: AUR is the most popular far right party in Romania at the moment [romaniajournal.ro/politics/aur…](https://www.romaniajournal.ro/politics/aur-wants-referendums-on-family-and-cash-payments/)

The second time in three years Azerbaijani troops may have killed Russian peacekeepers, but Moscow is saving its ire for Armenia

Azerbaijan launches military action in Karabakh to disarm Armenians

The Romanian Foreign Ministry notified NATO over last drone pieces on its territory, summoned the Russian ambassador to Bucharest

Air-Raid Shelters installed in Plauru, where the Russian drones fell near the border with Ukraine