Spunky Monkey
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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Aug 02, 2023


I use the TV remote control for the basic stuff. If I need to type something longer or more options, than I switch to Kore (official Kodi remote by the same developers). You just need the phone to be in the same network.

Never felt the need to connect keyboard+mouse.

I’m running a RPI4 with LibreELEC + Kodi.

YouTube runs better than the official app, at least for my needs.

LibreELEC + Kodi works out of the box with the TV Remote. And you can use Kore (android app) to get a full keyboard.

Never touched heroic launcher so can’t really help you there. Normally I just use Lutris, works without fail every time.


Can you change the runner in heroic launcher? Like proton instead of wine?

I’m not experienced with nvidia shield, but in my raspberry pi I use Kodi with the Daddy Live addon. I believe you can install Kodi in the shield, so maybe that’s an option.