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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 12, 2023


VSCode has theme support; there are light themes, that are not so bright and dark themes that aren’t that dark.

I prefer a very dark gray, a very good font (Iosevka, tuned to my needs) and an appropiate font size (because wearing glasses).

I hope, I never get this senior title. It is complete BS to me. And I am glad, that my junior status is gone for good and I have a job title that does not try to tell something about my expierience!

What about time on a different planet? What would be a common time"zone" for Mars and Earth?

But sometimes Copilot just uses too much words to present the answer, so I use ChatGPT which can be personalized.

(Maybe it is possible with Copilot, too, maybe I have to ask how to do it)

I salute you.

But which version?

While this is very funny, I think with PHP you can achieve error traces like in Java, nowadays. And no, I am (not) a senior PHP developer. ^^

Edit: I used PHP-4 ages ago and now I am relearning >=PHP-8. Not sure whether junior or senior.

I agree with the author: Only GUI config? WTF!

If a gui does make the configuration harder then it is a bad tool for the job. Your claim is partly, that OLS makes things easier. I think, the struggle with the gui config illustrates that it doesn’t. If cannot debug a problem with that gui or do not know what an abstract gui setting does, then it actually pretty bad.

Btw. Nginx configuration can be separated into seperate files and through proxy_pass seperated onto seperate servers.

Where I work now, I had to go through one management-level interview and one assesment center for 4 hours. Since then they changed it to 2 interviews up front (the second more technical). The idea was to spare the time and ressources for the assesment center if the second interview reveals that the candidate is not what we are looking for.

If I had a say in that I would combine the first two interviews into one. This way the management could judge the candidate by their responses to techincal questions at the same time, even if they cannot tell whether it is false or not.

I was already on the other side of the table for the assesment center. I had to give an evaluation for a part of the tests for new candidates who made it already to the first two interviews. Both of them finally got an offer, one of them declined.

I still find we are doing too much. I find the programming challange a bit stressful. Programmers not used to be watched solving a complex problem may fail at this. When I was on the other side of the table I asked whether they wanted a bit of time dealing with it alone, so they did and the result was not perfect, but we discuessed it and in the end I noticed that they did know what to do. I may have indirectly tested whether they are a teamplayer or not. I considered this a plus and told the management, that we can work with them and that they will learn quickly.

Now back to my own situation: I did not write an application for the job I am now on: I used honeypot.io to have companies find me. And I told my self that I only have 3 applications pending at the same time while I wait on this platform. I had only one additional interview with the recruiter from Honeypot; it was a very relaxed conversation and they optimized my profile for me, reflecting exactly where I stand with my skills (social skills as well). My own applications went nowhere and I may know why: I just did not fit to them as I thought I might. It only took 2 days after my profile was online when my current employer contacted me. One week later I had an interview. It felt like they are applying to me. I said yes to the assessment center and here I am. I can only recommend to take it a bit slow, to be able to recover from negative responses to applications and maybe make use of platforms like Honeypot which reverse the application process.

I am out of probation now and think I have many years ahead in this company. I whish everyone this satisfaction and a salery that fits the needs and your livestyle!

I work 36 hours, so Friday is only until lunch. So far, it was always possible to start the weekend directly after the lunch break. (:

I could only make the switch to my custom layout on the Planck, because the small size of the keyboard makes it possible to use it everywhere.

I have 4 of them with identical layout. (: I cannot type on regular keyboards anymore. ^^

Maybe the Ergodox is for you: https://ergodox-ez.com/

I am using a Planck 40% mech keyboard I consider high-end (as in personal endgame) and my base layout is euro/iso, but I have a custom layer for programming related signs like the $-sign. This way I have a better experience than I would have with a US-layout.

Programmers using mainly US-layout is a false assumption. I have only 2 out of 10 colleagues using it.

I think, Svelte should not salute to React (anymore). Not sure what htmx brings to the table, but Svelte should be doing the same like the Penguin labeled “htmx”, because it really frees devs from doing too much stuff to get started and produces fast webpages on top of that.

Have you heard of Svelte? You can write everything in Typescript or Javascript. It runs on top of node and SSR is made very easy.