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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 02, 2023

Personally confused on how to use a Raspberry Pi to pirate properly
Hello, I want to make it clear that I know how to use my raspberry pi 3b+, I know how to torrent, and I have a general idea how to bind qbittorrent to a VPN on linux. My questions are this: - My Raspberry Pi is running Pi-Hole to help manage the entire adblocking, since my brother refuses to install one despite having 2 viruses in the last year. - My Raspberry Pi is also plugged into the router via Ethernet - I can install AirVPN, I can slowly figure out their terminal client How do I make it so qBittorrent is binded to the VPN, but the VPN doesn't filter the DNS requests so my already slow internet into 1993 speeds. Mainly just asking here, since reddit is dead to me, and I don't want to ask a discord.

Those who are meant to lead, choose not to. Those who are not meant to lead, choose to do so.

Never trust someone who wishes to become a leader above you.

No it’s basically for Citizens United. Biden is a NeoLib.

What a shock that this is the state where Biden is from. What a shock.