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Joined 2M ago
Cake day: Jul 15, 2024


Don’t judge a book by its comment history. You should block me, so we don’t have to interact again. I will do the same. I wish you well.

It’s the vibe you put on it. Not the intended vibe. Not everyone is trying to start shit.

“Excuse me”

You seem pretty agitated, and I don’t want to engage with you if you’re going to be impolite.

Amazon wants the loss to avoid paying taxes. They would never admit it is doing well collecting data.

the profit is the data they use to make money elsewhere. They take a loss to not pay taxes. Companies need to pay off the top.

I really don’t need to hear their speech. They’ve already got my vote. Stop texting and calling me! 🤪

How do I get off these god damned call lists without confirming it’s a real number? I’m just flagging it as spam.