• 6 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 02, 2023


Imagine being in a state so extreme (for whatever reason) that you feel the need to die, and in that state finding you have to deal with the court system. What a nightmare on top of a nightmare. I feel for all parties in this situation. Sometimes all options just painfully and intolerably suck.

There’s many ways to memorialize. Personally I find the the giant metal hunk of killing and destroying machine in a park context offensive, aesthetically as well as ideologically. But others may take a different view of course.

McMaster Children’s Hospital opens Canada’s first pediatric stool bank
McMaster Children’s Hospital wants your kids’ poop — so they can add it to their collection of frozen stool and use it to help other children.

Did CBC accidentally publish a Beaverton article?