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Cake day: Jul 01, 2023


Developer intials seems a tad redundant since the commit is tied to author(s). But I guess it is only 2 extra char

I only use fare height when forced through the means of technology that for some reason hasn’t been legislated to provide sane units mandatorily when sold in Canada

The exceptions to this would be lumber. Then occasionally I get pissed off at any Canadian company (or even government form) that refuses to follow our own standards. For instance federally, its recemmoneded to use YYYY-MM-DD unless you’re writing out the month with three letters or more in which case you can use the insane states method. Yet consistently in forms I input the date wrong cause they do whatever that other format is

But like know how it works for using it or know how it works

Those are very different statements, and the latter is really unimportant

If you use google assistant to set reminders you now use tasks.

I only know this because I heavily use reminders, and my pixel 5 kept annoying me to tell me reminders are being converted to tasks and will live there now

Works in 90% of the elevators I take in Canada 🤷‍♂️

Now someone augment it to show what happens when we dereference the pointer.

Even better derefencing a pointer that isn’t pointing at anything

It’s in git. In our current but on its last legs env we had a inhouse built tool that would compare a release branch with master and build a series files we’d throw at the DBA to run updating procs, tables, views, etc. Had procs built to preserve data when ddl changed and what not. Very painful. This was on Netezza.-

Now we are moving to Azure Synapse… And we are using Azure DevOps instead of Bitbucket and it works but its jank. Our git repo is now actually tied to the DB through the use of release pipelines. PRs on master will get released automatically… That said most recent update from msft and now it takes 7hrs just for the deployment plan to build.

Its not great… My company is addicted to stored procs. I hear there is some projects looking into databricks, azure data factory, sparks, etc… For now my life is pain and complaints, just trying to get people to learn to love git. BI here before I joined unfortunately not IT minded.

Edit: didn’t even touch on testing… And frankly half the devs seem like they don’t/don’t know how to even do impact analysis… If you change a column, at minimum search the code base for impacts… Don’t just deploy and blow up our prod cause you’re mismatching sizes

My companies whole of BI is operated through Stored Procs… Its a tad insane

That article really just convinces me more that the cancel canada day movement is naive and misguided.

Don’t take and sully our national day. Instead choose to enrich and improve it by making it more. There is room for both national pride on our Country and acknowledgement of past crimes.

Respectfully, fuck off.